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Spring rifle after shot clips and 2 squirrel kills with the HW100KT


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Hi everyone,


Here is a bit of footage from today with the HW100KT, and from the other day when I was out a couple of times walking the dog on one day with the Chinese TS45 springer that was donated by Shay and Brendan his son (Venom Viper).


The 2 squizzers were humanely dispatched today in my garden with the Weihrauch.


The other quarry was shot with the TS45 when walking my terrier a few days ago.


The footage from this will be on the new DVD.


Here is the link to the action







Edited by zini
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Cheers guys,


I love a springer.


The new HW97KT is a beauty and at the top of my list.


My next DVD which im going to start on my next leave is only going to be shot with spring air rifles.


All PCP's are going to be banned in it.


I'm calling it Spring Rifle Vermin Control


Hi Richard pal,


Yes the rifle would be ideal for garden plinking, but used correctly and at the correct range 25 - 30 metres its a pretty handy vermin rifle buddy, as long as your shot placement is correct and in the brain or heart.



Edited by zini
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hi ya si

my lad has just watch your new youtube vid matey and his jumping for joy buddy he is proper over the moon matey

thank you so much matey and for being a good friend as well

cheers again si you have just made his week or month he only just asked when your new one was coming out and i think he had worned the other dvd out already


kindest regards



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Awesome video Zini mate, I do love the springers. Have only owned one PCP which was one of the Falcon FN series and was pre-owned, went into the gun-smiths to get a knife for general use and came out with a gun haha! However i returned it after a few days as although the guns seem to have a great reputation I had a feeling something wasnt quite right with it, whether it had taken a knock, not been maintained right or problems with the resevoir etc. So not wanting a grain of doubt in my mind about my equipment (after spending a fair bit of cash) decided I'd get the HW95k. I will get a PCP one day but whats the rush you know?


Anyway I liked the springer video/plans for a dvd as not only are they informative to alot of shooters starting out with springer guns on the cheaper side of things (aswell as more experienced springer users), but they also show that with a bit of pride in your weapon and confidence then you can get results. I'm sure we are all tired of seeing some American kid (just the example I'm using) popping body shots into a range of un-suitable quarry on youtube with a cheap springer, but all that person needs to know is with a bit of time and control they can have so much more fun with it and good results.


Its also good to see manafatures aren't giving up on springers either with nice ones still coming out, I checked out the HW97KT you mentioned, definatley a nice gun by the look of it. Have you checked out this one Zini or anyone else who is interested? Wondered what peoples thoughts were, especially in regard to the cocking peice.



All the best




p.s When get back to Bristol tomorrow will write up my hunting weekend.

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Cheers Davy,


Good post Jack and good points.


The Pro Sport i have used myself when out with Festa.


Its a quality rifle mate and the first shot i ever did with it was on a 35 metre rabbit from the standing position un assisted, dropping it with a brain shot.


The HW97KT is something special as well mate especially if Tony Wall from SFS gets his hands on it first, before you take it home.


I would 100% put money on it that a SFS tuned HW97KT will perform as good as 90% of all the £700 PCP's in the right persons hands.



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hi ya si

when you getting the new lady then buddy ie (hw97kt) ? and i was thinking of sending my tx200hc up to sfs for tony to have a look and to get it tune'd a bit more as it is still standard at the minute but all i hear is good things so if you could pm the address over to me buddy that would be great matey


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Hi Shay,


Here is the link to the master himself and his shop (Tony Wall and Sandwell Field Sports).


Tony Wall is the guy with the long hair in the photos.


He is the God of tuning rifles mate, and what he doesnt know about customising and tuning a rifle isnt worth knowing.


When a rifle comes back from him no matter how good it was before it went, it comes back silky smooth, whisper quiet and with the accuracy of a special forces sniper rifle.





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