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train jrt pup

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my jack russel is 10 weeks any advice on training for ratting etc also anyone want to take a learner ratting i have the puppys dad hes had a couple of rats when i walked him

plenty time,let him be a pup,if the pups dad has had a couple then take them out together and tease him with a dead one he'll soon learn, but don't rush him wait untill he matures a bit. :thumbs:

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i would start with basics ( sit,stay,heel etc) and then progress onto retrieve and whatever else you want from the dog( that sort of thing is never "needless". i was pigeon shooting today and my parson brought the birds,bonus :whistling)


at a point when you think he is ready take him out with the others and let him get worked up,next time let him run with them...........


don't rush him.


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