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got my variation

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I've been looking at this question of the effect of barrel length on accuracy and the more I learn the more puzzled I get. As said above, the charge in a sub-sonic .22lr is consumed within 12". In fact, back in THE GOOD OLD DAYS I had a Walther .22 target pistol with an 8" barrel and that was pretty damn accurate. Anschutz, who know a thing or two about accurate small bores now sell a rifle with a 14" barrel. But . . . the real accuracy freaks are the UKBR22 shooters. They recommend 19.5"/50cm barrel as the optimum. I would guess that in a real-life field rifle 15-16" should be favourite.



i just got back in from another bit of targeting, scopes zeroed at 35 paces, at 70 paces (notice i`m saying paces not yards as i`ve got short legs) :clapper: it seems to be an inch low i then thought f##k it i`ll try a long one paced out 120 and was around 6-8 inch low but a good group so the barrel length doesent seem a problem, as you guys said, i just need to learn to judge the drop on longer shots.


all in all i`m very happy


just to add that the cci do seem a little inconsistent some are much louder than others and these tend to be the flyers in the group. i will use them up then try the eley.

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Looking through your list you've got yourself a good little setup there.


As you say the scope isn't the best, but you can afford to skimp a bit on a .22lr as the ranges you shoot to aren't that huge. It's plenty good enough for your needs and you can always get a better one later if you feel the need. I'm a short barrel person myself, for a practical gun you just don't want them any longer than they have to be because once the mod is on they get too hard to move around in a vehicle. It was a good move getting the trigger kit, sometimes the CZ trigger is terrible but with a little cheap work done it's not too bad at all. The CZ rimfires are a great deal and you get a lot for your money, I doubt I'd ever buy anything else! The Eleys are the better round of the two you've got as long as the rifle likes them. If not try Winchesters if you can get hold of them as they're pretty good.


I have a 16" CZ452 Varmint and it's lovely. It needs a trigger kit but I just haven't got round to doing it. I use Winchester subs and get groups the size of a 5p at 50 yards.


Have fun with your new rifle and stay safe. I look forward to hearing a few stories of how you're getting on with it when you can get out and get some good bags :thumbs:

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