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got my variation

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well its been a long road but i finaly got my variation for .22 rimfire, after my first application was downgraded from this to fac air which i got before xmas but i thought about it over xmas and new year and decided that it wasnt fair that i was downgraded to something i didnt want and was very expensive so i put straight back in for a .22 rimfire and argued my case for it and against the 12 month mentor condition that he wanted me to have, it has come through with no mentor condition.

it just goes to show that if your having trouble with your application DONT GIVE UP just get your facts staight and fight for what you need.


anyway i will be out saturday to get my rifle and think i will go for a CZ, i would like to go for the shorter barrel version i was just wondering if this makes any difference to the performance of the gun i.e downrange accuracy etc, any advice would be good thanks.

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i have a cz 452 style in .22lr( 16 inch barrel) and have no problems with accuacy as yet. i think the small ammount of powder is "burnt out" by then so i doubt a longer tube will make any difference.


someone who knows better may well correct me.




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I have a CZ Silhouette in 16" and as said above the powder burns out within about 12 inches, you then get a little more acceleration before the barrel will start to cause friction and slow the bullet down again. I remember seeing some tests where the optimum barrel length was about 18" but the differences were nominal.


The 16" is just so good for using in a vehicle too that that swung my choice and I'm very pleased with it. Careful you don't get tucked up by the dealers though, I was quoted anything from £20 to £70 for the shorter barrel version. Paid £340 for mine and the new ones seem to have lighter triggers than of old, mine was breaking at 2.5Lbs out of the box.


The pic shows a group after cleaning where I always expect the first couple of shots to be a bit erratic, shot at 45 yards without holding under, hence hitting a little high


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  On 05/02/2010 at 12:54, trapperman said:

well its been a long road but i finaly got my variation for .22 rimfire, after my first application was downgraded from this to fac air which i got before xmas but i thought about it over xmas and new year and decided that it wasnt fair that i was downgraded to something i didnt want and was very expensive so i put straight back in for a .22 rimfire and argued my case for it and against the 12 month mentor condition that he wanted me to have, it has come through with no mentor condition.

it just goes to show that if your having trouble with your application DONT GIVE UP just get your facts staight and fight for what you need.


anyway i will be out saturday to get my rifle and think i will go for a CZ, i would like to go for the shorter barrel version i was just wondering if this makes any difference to the performance of the gun i.e downrange accuracy etc, any advice would be good thanks.

Well done on the FAC!

Short barrel = good, I had my 22" SAKO Finnfire cut down to 16,5", no difference at all tack-driver.

All I've read tells me that .22 rimfire is all over in 15" of barrel, any longer is just slowing the bullet the bullet down, and just like the other guys say, a short barrel plus moderator makes a handy rifle that's easy to carry and equally easy to use from inside a vehicle. No contest a 16" CZ will serve you well, (I had a 16" CZ American 17HMR and that was very good).

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  On 05/02/2010 at 22:12, trapperman said:

all positive for the 16" thats made my mind up.

just one more thing is there a big difference in mods only i see the ones in my local shop are between £30-£70 the more expensive being about 3" longer will this make it any quieter?.


Just buy a SAK or Sirocco - the Sirocco is a little more fiddly to clean but they'll both do the job well.

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  On 05/02/2010 at 22:12, trapperman said:

all positive for the 16" thats made my mind up.

just one more thing is there a big difference in mods only i see the ones in my local shop are between £30-£70 the more expensive being about 3" longer will this make it any quieter?.


Hi. I have a varmint with 16 inch barrel and parker hale silencer, it's as quiet as any other and it looks right because it is very slim, the varmint barrel being thicker makes it look like it's all one.


David Dey

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i was at the shop saturday morning before they opened :clapper: anyway i ended up getting;


cz 452 american 16"

hawke sport hd 3-9x50ir (cheap i know but they do the job o.k)

high mounts

swift mod (they didnt have the ones mentioned in stock but this one looked the best and angles down to the barrel so nice lines)



new case

trigger kit

pull through

gun oil

200 cci subs

200 eley subs

spare 10 shot mag


came to just under £700 but he knocked it down to £600 on the nose


went out last night to set it up and i must say its a lovely set up and a joy to use :notworthy:

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200 cci subs

200 eley subs

spare 10 shot mag



That will be a nice set up.I find the best subsonics are Eley, my rifle doesn't like CCI's(and most of my pals)but at least you had the sense to buy only a few of each untill you find the best one for your rifle.


David Dey

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I've been looking at this question of the effect of barrel length on accuracy and the more I learn the more puzzled I get. As said above, the charge in a sub-sonic .22lr is consumed within 12". In fact, back in THE GOOD OLD DAYS I had a Walther .22 target pistol with an 8" barrel and that was pretty damn accurate. Anschutz, who know a thing or two about accurate small bores now sell a rifle with a 14" barrel. But . . . the real accuracy freaks are the UKBR22 shooters. They recommend 19.5"/50cm barrel as the optimum. I would guess that in a real-life field rifle 15-16" should be favourite.



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