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Which Moderator for a Ruger 243

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There are lots out there and most people will rate what they have as the best. Personally I rate the ASE as some of the best built and best sound reduction (JUST :hmm::hmm::thumbs: ) but some have weight/balance issues (got rid of my S5 for just this reason)!.....oh, and cost!!!


I run P8 Compacts on ALL my centrefires, they do the job for me offering a good combination of balance, sound reduction, ease of maintenance and cost!!


I'm not suggesting they are the best in the world but they offer a package I can live with!! :thumbs::thumbs::thumbs:

Edited by Deker
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Thank you for your reply's, I just looked at the ASE range, and as you stated, they seem well built but pricey.

Is their anything lower down the budget that is still easily strippable and work ok? He only paid £400 for the Rifle so probably won't pay £300 for a Mod.


Thanks again,



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Thank you for your reply's, I just looked at the ASE range, and as you stated, they seem well built but pricey.

Is their anything lower down the budget that is still easily strippable and work ok? He only paid £400 for the Rifle so probably won't pay £300 for a Mod.


Thanks again,


hi mate there is a site on the net that sell alot of secondhand ase mods. the going rate is around £176 pound i will find out what there called



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Thank you for your reply's, I just looked at the ASE range, and as you stated, they seem well built but pricey.

Is their anything lower down the budget that is still easily strippable and work ok? He only paid £400 for the Rifle so probably won't pay £300 for a Mod.


Thanks again,



The Predator range is probably the easiest to strip Mod on the market...



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The new Jager, you have to ring them up as it's not on their web-site yet, is strippable and beats the rest on price i believe. I have not used it, but saw a review in a magazine. Worth a thought if the lads on a tight budget.



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A friend of mine has just bought a Ruger .243 and is having it screw cut to take a Mod and I was wondering if you guys could recommend a few makes for him to look at?


Thank you



I have a Predator 8 on my .270, excellent, you think a .243 is loud, try a .270 with a muzzle brake and no earmuffs! (No don't you can only hear hssss until next Tuesday)

The Predator 8 is fully stripable and very well made, also not too heavy.

Mine is now very 'hushed' just a smooth Whooom! in open ground it's no worse than a .410 shotgun, recoil is also reduced, not the cheapest but anything any good rarely is.

Andy F.

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I've got a second hand T4AR on mine at the moment, not the quietest, but the smallest/lightest I could find.

Usable without ear defenders, and reduces felt recoil considerably, - as you can't kill the sonic crack anyway, I thought it was a good compromise.

cheers, Tedward.

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