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stupid long/gate net question,


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As a totally newbie to long/gate needs, i orderd a couple of stop nets recently, to use in conjuction with the purse nets, when the arrived, i noticed that the cord running along the top and bottom is tied to the end of the net, then has around 2ft of spare cord top and bottom!! if that makes sense :icon_redface: ! now my question is, how/where do i attach the end pole, do i tie the spare cord to the pole,?? or thread the pole down the last run of mesh, :icon_redface: , pics would be great cheers james

Edited by jdkreps
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Hi mate . first of all if you haven't got someone to show you the ropes get yourself a copy of Long Netting from Peg to Pegby Martin King :yes: it's a good book that covers all things netting whether they be short, long or purse .

Your stop nets sound like they are set up to be used in the traditional manner using end pins hence the excess of top & bottom running lines .

Your running lines are tied to the end of your nets to preserve the bag (amount of slack) and to stop the nets simply falling off the lines . :wallbash: You now have to decide whether you're going to use these nets as traditionals or quickset .And I bet I know what your next questions going to be :D



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Traditional style nets are fitted with an anchor pin at either end, the net is set up on hazel pegs that are carried seperatly. now people also utilise more modern materials for both the net and pegs.

the other method has various names, quick- set, speed-set depending on the manufacturer and the poles are permanantly attached to the net, in the longer lengths a basket is also used to help with the carrying/running out/picking up. excuse the simplicity of this answer,i didnt want to get all technical,atb

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