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which would you choose?

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im on the brink of treating myself to a new gun. two have be recommended, based on my meagre budget, just looking for opinions or suggestions as to which you would go for.


1) Beretta Silver Pigeon


2) Browing 525


all comments wecome, cheers.


ive posted this on a few wildfowling/gundog sites and whilst the comments have been good concerning both guns, the berretta seems to be the more popular choice...anyway i thought it would be an opportunity to open my posting account.

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Guest whippet

Go and handle both in a gunshop, get the owner to test you to see if it fits you i.e. it comes up to the same point when you raise it every time. Although fit can be adjusted. Like I said, just try both and see what you like. I shot better with my neighbors 525 than I did when I tried a Beretta Onyx (essentially the same gun as the Silver Pigeon). It all comes down to you. HTH :)

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yeah there are a cple of clubs very close by, am booking myself in at the A6 shoot to hopefully try them out there, favoured the beretta from the beginning but somebody also suggested the browning, so figure i'd ask for opinions advice on them before i give them a go.


cheers to everyone for some sound info/opinions

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