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My faith in Conservative grew when Cameron said "Burglars leave their humans rights outside your door, and you DO have a right to defend your home against them"

Along with giving another vote on the Hunting Act, seems they are the better of the evils imo.


If hunting foxes comes back in so will hunting anything else Hares etc, its not possible to be allowed to hunt 1 type of animal but not another regardless of class! Unless they are endangered,in which case shooting 600+hares wont do the breed much good.

Cock fighting was banned in the 1800`s along with many other "Blood" sports.

But they still go on. People do what they choose to do, regardless of laws.


Berty, we are "allowed" to hunt rabbits, but not hares; we are "allowed" to hunt rats, but not mice ! Any government CAN pass a law to allow fox hunting, but not hare coursing. I hope ALL hunting returns, but never discount the duplicity of politicians; they say what you want to hear...until they are in power.



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The best of the coursing is finished , the hares arnt as hard as they were , so the dogs will suffer as they wont get tested as they did in the past ,you cant run on the best land , its just to hot ,s

f**k the ban and bolloks to the police if its runnable and sporting i wont give up slipping my dog. "Nick me today copper and tomorrow i shall return" it's the suburu boys smashing through fences and

I marched for all field sports. My post does appear a bit ambiguous I must admit. The ban has affected us all to some degree.   Its also been compounded by some rather irresponsible actions ,by a

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The ban was brought in under the guise of animal welfare ,but it was effectively class war,which you seem to be doing your bit to keep alive Joe.

The Ban has actually made little difference to fox hunts ,and they have increased their membership.If you dont think the ban has affected coursing men ,all I can say is you don't do much of it.

Recently two people were in court for attending a coursing meet one is a well known tv personality and a QC, the other is a Knight of the Realm.

You talk divisively Joe, and we know what happens when forces are divided, they get conquered

The "Red Coat" image was what inflamed the lefties to start with .

If the fox hunts were banned ,but all dog work was retained, would you march for them ?

From the tone of your post, I would say NOT A CHANCE.


I think you have misunderstood my first post so read it properly thumbs.gif A question for you inan: Do you think the red coats will march for coursing/lurcher work if the ban gets relaxed for fox hunting with hounds?

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A question for you inan: Do you think the red coats will march for coursing/lurcher work if the ban gets relaxed for fox hunting with hounds?


the rich/upper class never do anything constructive for the poor/working class :no: that is fact, umless the poor consists of immigrants from various nations that we take pity on (ie, anyone likely to hate/kill us) In this case they will simply get there sport sorted out and screw us lot, its not in their interest to have anything to do with us :bye: short answer they won't march for us in a million years :no:


It might get a little easier under the tories, as they will surely redirect police focus from rural crime to sorting out the villages, towns and cities, street robbery, anti social behaviour and drugs (real crime, whose victim don't have fur.


Money speaks the loudest, by employing the best barristers and cozying up to the future leaders of the country, they are almost home and dry. Us lot could never get our act together enough to do the same thing.


The words 'Own worst enemys' springs to mind :whistling:


atvb Richard

Edited by arcticgun
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fox hunters do not want to hunt under licensing they prefer it as it is now i know it sounds stupid but i hunt with loads of hunts and that the way it is sorry.it was alrite them red coats blowing there horns at london and brighton but we will soon find out how much they will help hare coursing in the future im not holding my breath.

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hopef ully it get returnd the hunting laws form dogs and more, even if we have to pay ille pay my way and take my game and more , i dont no what to do buti have good knowedge what the yanks do and i no alot how they work round there law they dont have police out side there yard for abit lamping game or vermin ,we aRE THE WORST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD FOR ORGANISED DAYS BETTER A FEW LIKE MINDED SOULS ENJOYING THERE SELVES AND SAYING NOT TO MUCH, maybe instead of coursing every body with decent permision pay farmers and have rabbit comps and make it public with dogs as it is legal lol,thye will not stop it as long as there guiys like myselve and others they are wasting valuable money that could go to soldiers in iraq and disaster areas

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one thye dont no who it is and two they keep in with police to stop the heat getting turned on to them for other things , and realy would you want a complete stranger with a big light on land out of the blue , i do it but in no what land to go to and who does give a dam and who phones the goverment shephereds up ,use you knowledge and feild craft mate

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pituy we didnt have the backing of the celebrities like hugh fearnley jamie oliver maybe we have but imagin if every hunter fisher etc went round every door with pages of voting paid them adonaition for there votes every game fair for one year let everybody in the world lol in for free for the re signature im sure we would be in with a shout for sure

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FFS if anybody thinks its going to go back to how it was before the ban their living in cloud cuckoo land IF it comes to a parlimentry vote again it will be the same result as our local m.p has said in the rotherham advertiser they will have enough on their plate and it will be a vote loser for the tories if they announce it before the electionwallbash.gif

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I think the well bred coursing dog lines will soon be a thing of the past and lost in history :thumbdown:

If the current trend continues,often with the assistance of some who do the extra curriculars , I think sadly you may be right,I would guess that in 20 years or so a lad with a running dog will be looked upon with the same sense of censure as a badger baiter/dogfighter.I would like to think that there will allways be a youngster slipping out with his dog trying to catch a bunny but I have my doubts.

I think in some regions we are at that state now,,,,,,,,,, maybe in the near future we will have to walk the lanes and fields with dogs that dont look capapable of killing a hare......Just a thought.. :gunsmilie:


bet theres a few of them about at the minute, especialy on the lamp. i would say i haveone myself.



What,that kills hares, wtf is it???????


who you talking to you daft c**t? wey ai she can kill them on the lamp no bother...only had one day time. she beddy whippet x collie grey.


looks can be decieving pal, obviously she wouldnt catch them on the fens with 70-100 yard slips but on the lamp shes had loads.

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