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Hi lads,


So the Italians, Romanians and French etc like to shoot thrushes of all types, Song, Mistle, Redwing, Fieldfare and so on.


Would you shoot them if they were legal here in UK and Ireland?




My guess is that most rough shooting folk probably would.



Personally, I would not.

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Back in the mid seventies we had a group of italian guns come over for a weekends rough shooting and stalking and they started blasting pretty much everything that moved apart from being hazardous to health I can't for the life of Me see the point in shooting little songbirds?

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Same thing happens in Malta! I seriously doubt any roughshooter would consider shooting songbirds if they were on the list I certainly would'nt :no: especially as a lot of them are in decline? many used to be shot in orchards in the UK years ago especially thing like bullfinch'es not as a potential food scource but because they were regarded as Pests



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Some people are just desperate to kill anything. Maybe it's because they have such a hard time killing things which try and avoid being killed. If i shot thrushes/black birds when out for my evening walk with the 410, i'd have bin liners full! But there would be no point what so ever. I'm not that desperate to kill. One rabbit is a greater feet than 10 song birds.





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Hi lads,


So the Italians, Romanians and French etc like to shoot thrushes of all types, Song, Mistle, Redwing, Fieldfare and so on.


Would you shoot them if they were legal here in UK and Ireland?




My guess is that most rough shooting folk probably would.



Personally, I would not.



Well I guess that is what makes us different, we don't eat the "Turdus" :clapper:

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I know of a Greek boke who killed a crow with a sling shot and cooked it on my ex girls coal fire :clapper: maybe we're missing out :hmm::laugh:

mushroom years ago after branching crows traditionaly the farmers wife used to bake squab pies :sick: waste not want not

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