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decoying over rape

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is it just me or is enyone else having trouble getting birds to decoy over rape at the moment

i know it can be a bit of a bugger sometimes but this year on my permisson it is getting harder there is no shortage of pigeons either as you can find them on the fields in there hundreds but as soon as you fire one shot they are gone to the next field and wont come back only the odd one here and there all i do is end up chasing them about.even the flight lines are not that clear

in the last 5 outings i have only had 36 pigeons thats bad.

im not a bad shot either :11:

is there enything can i do to get them ??????? or just sit it out and wait for things get better :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

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are you using a magnet/bouncers etc, were getting largish numbers over rape, using one or two magnets, around 25 deeks and 2 bouncers, not the greatest of shots at the moment :icon_redface: but wev're had 32 on 2 outings

prety much tried every thing but still no luck

drives me mad trying to think of what to do next :wallbash:

mabey have a break for a couple of weeks and hopefully the birds gain a bit of confidence back :thumbs:

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shortage in my area too- I have a few area's of Rape (7) and the woodies seem to be on a different field every day :blink:

too much food about and not enough cold frosty weather is my guess


Just gotta keep trying :wallbash:



Les :gunsmilie:

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We was on the winter rape yesterday, The day was as still as could be, not good news. 2 of us covered 1 field and left the bangers on in the other fields. we put out 2 magnets and about 30 decoys. we both shot like total tossers. the final bag was 61 Tobe precise, we should of doubled it.

As far as i know the fields had not been decoyed for a long long time :tongue2: there is a couple of fellas from London that have a walk round from time to time :blink: not good for pigeon control. so the farmer asked me to keep & eye on it. so i think the fact is it was all new to the pigeons :angel:

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pigeons flock in the winter and go round in there hundreds and have different feeding areas so once your fire one shot they are gone i was shooting field near my home and watched coming into feed before roost every dey at about 4 ish and they were coming in in one big flock of and i am not kidding atleast 2000 plus on rape it took at least 15 to 20 minutes to settle and land i was that near in my hide i could smell the heat of them one shot gone when they flock like that i now wait tillroost and shoot them then at least you might get an hour of shootimg and some good testing shots :victory: and some good retrieves for your dog :clapper::clapper:

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Its the time of year I'm affraid, they have seen it all. Try something different, something they havent seen, less decoys maybe, a couple of magpies, alternate your paterns, etc etc. More guns certainly keeps them moving.

Trouble is when they have flocked together in large numbers the flock will contain more birds that are wary (or aware)and these start a flock reaction and its these birds you have to convince :ninja: or :hunter:

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is it just me or is enyone else having trouble getting birds to decoy over rape at the moment

i know it can be a bit of a bugger sometimes but this year on my permisson it is getting harder there is no shortage of pigeons either as you can find them on the fields in there hundreds but as soon as you fire one shot they are gone to the next field and wont come back only the odd one here and there all i do is end up chasing them about.even the flight lines are not that clear

in the last 5 outings i have only had 36 pigeons thats bad.

im not a bad shot either :11:

is there enything can i do to get them ??????? or just sit it out and wait for things get better :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

you need to get another gun mate,in the other field maybe try and keep them on the move,you only got to ask :whistling:

Edited by watchman
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is it just me or is enyone else having trouble getting birds to decoy over rape at the moment

i know it can be a bit of a bugger sometimes but this year on my permisson it is getting harder there is no shortage of pigeons either as you can find them on the fields in there hundreds but as soon as you fire one shot they are gone to the next field and wont come back only the odd one here and there all i do is end up chasing them about.even the flight lines are not that clear

in the last 5 outings i have only had 36 pigeons thats bad.

im not a bad shot either :11:

is there enything can i do to get them ??????? or just sit it out and wait for things get better :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

you need to get another gun mate,in the other field maybe try and keep them on the move,you only got to ask :whistling:

read the last 2 posts mate in the next field dosnt work if you get permission on an estate you could have 40 guns spread over 2000 acres still only one shot they will only settle when they are ready to roost best time to shoot pigeons first swayth of rape whatch the field and they come in to decoys lovely in 3 in 4 in5s pick what you want and enjoy

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we have been having the same problem, must have 1000 feeding on our patch (6 fields) got 7 guns going out this saturday, fingers crossed it will work, normally good on rape but not this year, will be trying with magnet,flappers,bouncers and deeks, will just have to see what works!!!

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