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Help from all you air gun smiths.

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Hi I have a BSA supersport air

rifle and recently the trigger has not been working. What happens is I cock the rifle and everything clicks sometimes when the trigger is pulled the pellet is released other times however I can just squeeze the trigger and nothing happens so I have to un cock the gun. Would carefully polishing each part of the mechanism help and what lube should I use on it? I think i found the problem where the actual part of the mechanism that enter the chamber is getting stiff against a trigger spring and so cannot move.

Edited by air gunner
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give it a "wash out" with wd40 ( or other de-greasent).........then completely dry it out and grease with gun grease....or a silicone type grease ( logun do one)


i wouldn't think polishing anything will be worthwhile...........clean and lube should be enough.





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Ok completely removed trigger mechanism and cleaned with wd40 as advised lubes all contact areas with silicone grease when I get home later I will test to see if it

works better. Last question is the pins holding it together seem loose what can I do to combat this? Cheers sean.

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even though i have taken apart and put back together my gun several times on this occassion i completely fuged it up. i got home set up a range cocked the gun "click" yep thats sounds right aim squeeze nothing so i though it was the same problem but NO the gun wouldent uncock! shit theres a pellet in the breach and i can uncock it! so carefully i opened the gun removed the pellet with a needle and took the stock off managed to uncock the gun by dismantling the trigger and have spent the last 2 hours fiddling about with no success :( unless anyone knows how to sort this problem im going to be sheepishly taking the thing to the gunsmiths for him to sort out.

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The pins on those BSAs and also Lightnings tend to be a lose fit. I've had them fall out on their own just by takeing the action away from the stock. The build quality's not best. A-hem....


If a good clean and lube's not worked, take it to a gun smith. Do NOT be tempted to polish anything unless you really know what you're doing. Safety first.


Good luck!



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