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cracking write up davy mate it was just like tea in the park lol remind me to come with you next time enough food for everyone if it had of been me all that tea id be pissing for a month lol



atb gary


hi gary

when you get to my age! you will! be pissing all day.but it dose keep ya warm the tea!



so had me self all the thermal underwear on!



WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY toooooooooooo Much Information there my good man, please stick to skill, dead things and gore :thumbs:



also came across this me tinks its a fox






Nope, not a Fox, it is in fact


























a DEAD thing







Excellent read, great pix and its just a shame about the models in the hunting gear been as butt ugly as me :11:





hi ya davy

great write up buddy as always matey and great pictures to buddy looks on somwe of the picture your in a desert lol and then the bones of a fox lol and gary i think davy is on air arms forum doin bone readings now lol hahaha good to see you are all having fun lads great hunting trip and pictures.






hi shay

your right about bone readings,i read some one was going to germany! :tongue2:




Worth the look out with good company Davygunsmilie.gif perhaps ferreting could be another string to your bow for next Winterhmm.gif looks good land for it.


c'mon down andy



awesome write up Davy, pity the quarry wasn't playing ball though....





too true daryll



thanks for all the comments lads!

















and here is an update! with some video footage,of moonlight valley




& the red kyte i seen last time i was out!






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That looks a fab permission there Davy :notworthy:


Is that down Swindon way buddy?


I bet its a mint place to lamp over or even ambush from in the Summer.




hi zini

it is in deed nr swindon,it takes me 5 minutes to get there from my house :boogie: .the ferreters have been down there a lot lately :( so its a bit slow,but if you put the hours in you will be rewared :thumbs:

yeh it is good for both lamping and static shooting :thumbs:





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