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Out this morning at just gone 8 am .Overslept really as first light was my intention but never mind .Went to a place that ive recently been given that tacks onto another spot i have .Shot 4 roe here a while back but recent signs tell me theres more on what is no more than 70 acres.Its a small holding ,you know the type ,sheep ,geese ,chickens and a donkey for good measure .The owners are fed up with the attentions of both deer and foxes on the small resources they have which is where i fit in .Chatted to the farmers wife for a while about what theyd seen and then moved off .Stalked beyond the buildings and up to a pond and immediately bumped a deer that was plainly a buck .I was on sticks as he cautiously looked back and jumped a fence and away .No doe was with him so onward .

The top fields are divided by an old canal that is very silted up to the point that its mearly a depression now .I could hear a crow raucously shouting ahead and out in the field the other side of the canal and as i approached i picked out the call of a raven ,something im no longer surprised by .Added to this noise was the unmistakeable shouting of foxes ,the kecking associated with a meeting of some sort but i had no idea of what was going on as i was unsighted still .Crept up the hedge and peered through the sparce hawthorn on the canal banks to see a pair of tied foxes with a corvid audience .They were at roughly 150 yards id say .I crept across the water very slowly as it was only inches deep and unfrozen under the bushes.

Crawled to the edge of the far side and poked the gun through a gap in the tall grass.I hadnt broken the skyline at all and the corvids were still there too .The foxes span around ,biting at each other, first back to back then side by side and very vocal.I watched through the scope until it became clear that maybe the double was on the cards here .I waited until the pair were back to back and facing me before loosing a round off ,dropping them both on the spot .I had hit the dog face on and the vixen through the chest .Exclusive club membership or what !


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Wham, Bang so to speak... the Contraceptive Pill in this case turning out to be a 100gr soft point :thumbs: - theres a some proliferate chavy vermin near me that could with a dose of the same :whistling:


Back to the point I once shot two pigeons with a shotgun that were in a similar position (Bareback Rodeo, not Missionary Pile-driver)


Great as usual FD



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Done it with Rabbits, Pheasant and Pigeon but not with the Fox!!


And to think..... all they were after was a bit of :whistling::whistling::whistling: !!


Mind you I think when it's my time to go then there could be worse things to be doing...but I still hope I don't get shot!!!

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Pictures up on the wall titled 'The Last Shag' .Anyone else shot similar?

done the same last season they were eating a dead ewe and the both of them were side on hit the two of them with the same shot,the old saying two birds one stone

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