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Can anybody help?

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post-46756-126504964095_thumb.jpgHi everyone. We cleaned out our pest control store the other day, and i came across these items in a box. Can anybody please tell me what they are and what were they used for?? Thank you. :hmm:post-46756-126504946337_thumb.jpgpost-46756-126504953706_thumb.jpg

I seen this on antiquesweb forum, this fella is obviously a fan of their work. I havent a clue what those objects are for, but im sure someone on here will know, possibly old trap collector?


Heres the post on the other forum:


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Joined: Aug 20, 2004

Posts: 2

Location: Hull, East Yorks.


PostPosted: Fri Aug 20, 2004 2:45 pm Post subject: S. Young & Sons (Misterton) Reply with quote

Anyone out there touch 'Ephemera' / Advertising?


There's this tiny, family run firm, S. Young and Son's of Misterton in Somerset. They started up in the very early 1900's and finally died out - yeppers, I'm afraid the active Son died of old age and that was it - around the mid seventies.


They made and retailed traps, nets, guns, pigeon and poultry fanciers stuff and lord knows what besides. I point this out because, as ye can see, they had potential appeal to a fairly wide cross section of people. Old Mr Young was also a handy Taxidermist, by all accounts. I have an owl by him.


As a Trap Collector my own interest should be pretty self evident. Thus I'm always looking out for Anything related to them. Their Catalogues especially. These being little 6x8", card covered booklets. In later years they produced only Price Lists. (Aprox. 5x3 1/2" booklets).


Having been an eager customer of theirs for the first half of my life I, of course, have the sentimental attatchment to what we've lost. Please keep ye eyes peeled around any stalls holding ephemera, perhaps relating to their sort of goods. I'll take just about anything with their name on it - and they did stamp or lable just about what ever they touched too Wink


Cheers, people!

regards DnN :thumbs:

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PM sent Mick


The post from the antiques web you posted DnN relates to a dear old friend of mine who no longer collects traps - I now have his collection of things added to my own.


The wire things might well be tealers but I cannot identify them - and to be honest if I can't then I doubt anyone will!



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PM sent Mick


The post from the antiques web you posted DnN relates to a dear old friend of mine who no longer collects traps - I now have his collection of things added to my own.


The wire things might well be tealers but I cannot identify them - and to be honest if I can't then I doubt anyone will!




Very interesting this, when I saw the name on the box. I have a 12 bore side by side hammer gun in my cabinet thats made by these people, never heard of them before but the previous info sheds some light on it now. Lovely gun, I wonder would it be worth much??, any thought on the matter gents ?





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Hav'nt the faintest idea what those wire things are . They look hey look as if they could be used for a lot of things including bob-wires on a bird grill ?


OTC .Amongst the additions to your collection was there a Fenn Rabbit? I gave it to S many a year ago and always regretted not taking a picture of it first .Ifthere is I don't suppose there's any chance of a photo ??? Many thanks . :thumbs:

Edited by comanche
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Don't know.




Turning into a good quiz this one.

I think they may be supports/guides for an electric wire to deter foxes from around pheasant pens.


Who knows? where is the quizmaster? :D

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Those are kind of tealers for a pigeontrap. The brid can get in and can't get out. I use to make them my selve when i was younger. Sorry for my bad english :icon_redface:




Do you mean pigeon bobs for a multiple catch pigeon trap.


They would double as a snare tealer as well.Might try them out. :thumbs:

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