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ferreting/ lamping weekends

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I would just like to say a huge thank you to everyone who has booked. I have a suprise birthday ferreting day next weekend for a lady and her kids. I cant quite get my head around how many familys and couples have have booked up.


like i said a big thatnks for everyones support.


Q.Who do i speak to to put a link on hunters paradise web page?

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Just sounds like guide holidays minus the guns ... would make sure all dogs were stock broken etc think you need to fix on your options though as it went from ferreting and lamping to all sorts cant see the rabbit stocks lasting long though do you guarantee a catch ? where will you have them stay ? all adds up mate i thought about it but would be to expensive for the normal hunter .

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£100 for 2 nites!!!! to expensive are you sure, most people spend that on the p#ss on a weekend. yes the stocks will last mate we have around 25 farms now Around 22,000 acres. when you go out can you guarentee a catch EVERY time you go out? Im going around with people for a few reasons


1. To show them the boundries and advise them the best places

2. video them so they can take a dvd of there weekend home with them (optinal)

3. There is plenty of other wild life on the grounds and i need to make sure they are not harmed. i no accidents can happen, which ive taken into account.


We are just giving people more options and to be honest is working. Ive got bookings off familys that dont want to go lamping just ferreting may be clay shooting and fishing. i says quite clear where people are staying, in the holiday cottages.you are very welcome to ring me and i will explain in full just pm for number

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Mate i have worked with a guide and we regularly bolted rabbits to clients and yes we did guarantee a catch most days was 60 plus was not unusual to get 100. As for being with them that would be an obvious one as they should be supervised at all times while on the outing. So the 100 is that hotel and clays too ? i am not putting the project down or saying you aint getting clients its fair enough if its a hobby for weekends but a real guide has farmers to pay fuel insurance etc the 100 for the weekend would not take long to go . You may not need to pay farmers but bottom line is if your lining your pocket of his land you give him something whether he wants it or not . you wont need to explain i wouldnt pay for what i do for free but yes it is a good idea for people who dont have the chance.

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Most of the farmers are happy for me to do it on there ground, with a bottle of whisky for him and a botlle of wine for his wife isnt cheap, some farms i pay for the sole rights £250 a season. The £100 (not that i need to explain) but i will is like this. The holiday cottage, the maintenance fishing lakes, the ferreting ,the lamping. clays are extra mate but he has all elitric set up that dont come cheap. the general up keep of the land. insureances. The thing is people are not as lucky s you mate not everyone has got perrmission. just to add people struggle to get a good B and B for less than £100 these days

Edited by sh 08
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I agree mate the more family's and woman etc you get trying it the better as it will do the sport the world of good. True about the b n b to mate good on you for getting a good response usualy clients will return the following year you cant go for wrong mate .


Good luck and i look forward to viewing some piks of happy clients .

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Wish you the best of luck mate. Takes a lot of bottle to start a new venture like this in todays climate. There are plenty of people who would love to get into the sport but just dont know how - you only have to look at some posts on here for an example. I think this would be a great starting block for anyone wanting into the sport.

If i can, i will put people on to you.

Cheers FTB

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