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  On 31/01/2010 at 19:16, santoro said:

Alrite there,am new to the terriers but ive had lurchers a few years so ive been reading back through the posts and im coming across words like mixing and baying and all the rest of it,just wondered if any of you lads would like to help me out :doh:

mixing=bowl 2 eggs and a wisc :thumbs: and baying=is when looking for a parking bay/space :thumbs:

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In the UK

mixing = harrasing the prey with varying degrees of contact with the aim to flushing to waiting guns :angel:


Baying = Giving tounge when close to quarry with the final intention of flushing to waiting guns :angel:


All these are in reference to bolting foxes to guns with the intention of protecting ground nesting game birds never using more than two dogs

Elsewhere in the world


mixing = a dog that gets stuck in there and knocks the fuuck out of anything put infront of it


Baying = what a dog does when confronted with quarry Barks like fook at it until the owner digs down or reaches it's location

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  On 31/01/2010 at 19:34, brog said:
  On 31/01/2010 at 19:16, santoro said:

Alrite there,am new to the terriers but ive had lurchers a few years so ive been reading back through the posts and im coming across words like mixing and baying and all the rest of it,just wondered if any of you lads would like to help me out :doh:

mixing=bowl 2 eggs and a wisc :thumbs: and baying=is when looking for a parking bay/space :thumbs:

prick :feck:

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  On 31/01/2010 at 19:50, santoro said:
  On 31/01/2010 at 19:34, brog said:
  On 31/01/2010 at 19:16, santoro said:

Alrite there,am new to the terriers but ive had lurchers a few years so ive been reading back through the posts and im coming across words like mixing and baying and all the rest of it,just wondered if any of you lads would like to help me out :doh:

mixing=bowl 2 eggs and a wisc :thumbs: and baying=is when looking for a parking bay/space :thumbs:

prick :feck:

see you'll go far

all the best to all crosses

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  On 31/01/2010 at 19:50, santoro said:
  On 31/01/2010 at 19:34, brog said:
  On 31/01/2010 at 19:16, santoro said:

Alrite there,am new to the terriers but ive had lurchers a few years so ive been reading back through the posts and im coming across words like mixing and baying and all the rest of it,just wondered if any of you lads would like to help me out :doh:

mixing=bowl 2 eggs and a wisc :thumbs: and baying=is when looking for a parking bay/space :thumbs:

prick :feck:

only messing with you :notworthy: pricks a bit harsh :tongue2:

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  On 31/01/2010 at 20:24, santoro said:

can you thinks of any words that a newbie would have trouble with?



"Posters"......people from this site attacking you over your dogs and stories, they can be identified by the arse sores and blistered fingers from sitting on a keyboard all day and not from hunting......




Good luck with what will be a great sport/passion/ way of life you are entering.

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