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NOTE TO SELF; remember the hand warmer

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had thought Id be stuck indoors this weekend, due to being skint as anything, but chris88 phoned me last night, offering 2 boxes of carts as a belated birthday pressie if I fancied a day out,

anyway we got over the field that gave us some good birds last week, and proceeded to freeze to death, note to self; dont forget the hand warmer next time, you know the sort of cold, where your fingers wont do what you tell them :wallbash:

we stayed till around 11am, then the lure of the jeep and "heat" made us pack up, we had been using two magnets, two bouncers and around 24 deeks,but the birds just wer'nt there, after thawing out a bit with the heaters on full blast, chris said lets look at another field up the road, we drove over there and saw 1000 birds plus on it, so we thought we give it a try as our limbs were back in the land of the living, taking just one magnet and half the deeks we set out in the middle in the bale hide, and what a great morning it turned out to be :D



pidgeons coming in for the next couple of hours, and the morning had warmed up enough, we came away with not a big bag (14) but an enjoyable day all in all


after breasting the pidgeons the ferts tucked into dinner


note to chris; you put cartridges in the gun to make it go bang :gunsmilie:



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