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.22LR supersonic or "stinger"

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reading aother thread i realised that i have never used supersonic ammo in my .22LR !! in fact i have never even shot .22 supersonic at all!


I heard that it wont group well, blah blah.


does any run supersonic ammo? if so what do they zero at etc?


cheers boys and girls.

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  On 31/01/2010 at 15:25, rjimmer said:

Anything above the speed of sound is supersonic.

Ask any smallbore match shooter how his ammo groups.

Roumer has it competition ammo is subsonic because the transiton from supersonic to subsonic affects accuracy. However this effect is marginal for the hunting point of view and in competition you know the range and zero accordingly. Shooting live quary the range is less certain so a flatter flying bullett with less drop can be placed more precisely which offsets the slight loss of repeatability. You must try a few and find what works in your rifle, that sems to be the key to accuracy at any velocity.


Edited by halamrose
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cheers colster some good info there, think i am oing to have to try some of these as i have just got some ground which is very open and i am strugling with te longer distance rabbits with the subsonic.


so yo ulike the cci then? i didnt like the subsonic personally as it didnt like loading for some reason but im keen to test a box of them out.

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  On 01/02/2010 at 09:01, langouroux said:

cheers colster some good info there, think i am oing to have to try some of these as i have just got some ground which is very open and i am strugling with te longer distance rabbits with the subsonic.


so yo ulike the cci then? i didnt like the subsonic personally as it didnt like loading for some reason but im keen to test a box of them out.


Never tried the CCI subs in mine, have put Winchester and Remington through it and found the Remington group better in mine but there's not much in it.

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i have the gold tip from remington and subs. as above sub= 60 yards gold =100 yards. all i need is a second mag for my cz 452 style and the change from bunny to fox can go smoother :gunsmilie:


i know some don't like the .22lr for fox but if the shot is "on" they drop. some may run a couple of yards but thats why i take the terrier out lamping.


p.s. i am not saying the .22lr is a foxing rifle but at the right range and good shot placement it does the job ( and does it well enough for "opportunistic" fox shooting up to 100yards imho).

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  On 31/01/2010 at 18:07, halamrose said:


Rumor has it competition ammo is subsonic because the transition from supersonic to subsonic affects accuracy.


A lot of the ammo that I used to bring home from the range used to 'crack' even with the moderator.

It's 'supposed' to be 60 fps below the speed of sound.


Now, to open an old wound, would a longer barrel be better for stuff like Stingers?

AND, what about barrel wear using stingers? Is it noticeable or negligible?

Edited by rjimmer
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I know more about supersonic aircraft and rocket flight than bullets but this is my thought:

The distance around the bullet is greater than the length of the bullet so the air has to move faster than the bullet to get out of its way and close up behind it. So even if the bullet is not supersonic the airflow around it can be. You need slower subs to properly clear the speed of sound.


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  On 01/02/2010 at 16:19, rjimmer said:

Just found this.


"Most .22 Long Rifle powders increase velocity up to about 19 inches of barrel length; the powder used in the Stinger increases velocity up to the longest .22 barrel length tested by the NRA, 26 inches."


Interesting point. The favourite barrel length for serious target shooters using subsonic rounds is 19.5 - 20.0" Just for the record, whan a bullet of any calibre drops from super- to sub- sonic the aerodynamics go to hell in a handbag. The bullet is likely to yaw, tumble, keyhole . . . generally throw a wobbler all over the landscape. That is why the long range target guys like long heavy but skinny bullets. They have a high BC and maintain stability much better then the shorter lighter bullets favoured by hunters. Length matters!



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  On 01/02/2010 at 18:10, langouroux said:

im getting mreo confused as thr link goes on! haha


so supersnics are good....but not if your trying to shoot them to far? and not out of a short barrel? :(


so 100 to 120 yards in my CZ 452 should be fine? :icon_eek:

This is what Eley says:




Eley HV hollow points have probably killed more rabbits in this country than most ammo.

Edited by rjimmer
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  On 01/02/2010 at 18:13, rjimmer said:
  On 01/02/2010 at 18:10, langouroux said:

im getting mreo confused as thr link goes on! haha


so supersnics are good....but not if your trying to shoot them to far? and not out of a short barrel? :(


so 100 to 120 yards in my CZ 452 should be fine? :icon_eek:

This is what Eley says:




Eley HV hollow points have probably killed more rabbits in this country than most ammo.


cheerd mate! i'm a bt slow on the uptake some times! :thumbs:

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