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Too thin..??

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Guest Ditch_Shitter
He can hear a rabbit above ground and dig down to it,kill it and bring it back without a mark on its fur.



So it was You massacered that poor rabbit then? :rofl: (Don't worry, mate. Just pulling ye leg ~ :drink: )


Tell ye what; I knew an old poacher, when I was just a nipper, had a Collie that would 'crown down on' a rabbit. Most f***in spectacular thing Id ever seen. Worth his weight in gold, Dog that can do that. And, anyway, rather a Fit Dog a bit on the lean side than some bloated carcass.


Personally, I wouldn't try to hazard a guess at Jake there, with all that coat hiding him. But just look at how some of the Real Deal's enter their Bulldogs in the Pit! Look to be half starved, and yet a fitter Dog you'd never find. And that's what counts, mate; Stammina. If Jake can do his job and not fall over, he's probably just lean and fit :good:


Me? I fall over. I'm just an undernourished old bag of bones! :laugh: Perfect example of what I'm talking about! I take it Jake doesn't smoke and gets his meat raw on the bone?

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Come on Millet - lighten up and possibly get a life - if you think having a laugh is the lowest of the low you really need to get out more son.

Further more by attempting to insult me and what you think is my dog you nullify the point that you are trying to make completely.

"terrier stuff" - it was obviously a leg pull (no pun intended) so you do not have to justify your dogs working ability to me. :)

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He couldnt stop a pig in an alley the poor wee fecker :11: ...................Nice little dog ther fella, I like him! :yes:

He looks a right little character, one of them that it dont matter what he does of dont do, you just GOT to have him around.

He looks fine to me pal :victory:


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