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What about Blair then.

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I'd string him and the rest of his crooked party up.


The thing I never understood was while waging his ilogical wars in two seperate muslim countries why he then allowed millions of them in. That would be like letting in millions of germans during the second world war.

While most of us in the UK don't see those two wars being against Islam as such the muslims do. They aren't going to be coming here wanting to mix with their enemies are they.

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He arrived at the enquiry early yesterday via the back door, a coward, he could not face the crowd.


He had the chance to say, he regretted the loss of life of our service personel, but he was too arrogant to say.


My heart goes out to the family's that have lost loved ones because of his lies, I bet he makes sure that none of his family enter the services.


He also had the arrogance to say the country is a safer place because of his action, I believe the London bombings would not have taken place if it wasn't for his lies, more innocent people dead.


And just today we are told that we are on an even higher terrorist alert.

Edited by bob.243
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Blair was a piss poor PM, Brown is now a piss poor PM. Labour wouldnt have got in if England voted alone. The whole ethos for labour is spin, spin, spin and it works!

The fundamental problem is that Scotland has a inbred dislike for conservatives coming from the thatcher era, plus half of scotland and the north east of england are brain dead when it comes to politics (im from the north east so im not having a go at someone else), its often a case of "my parents voted labour, their parents voted labour so im voting labour" when they havent got a clue.

On top of this, voters who err to the right are split between the conservatives and other growing factions-BNP, UKIP, English blah-di bah party etc which also weakens the cause.

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Labour is now what tories were before labour were elected ..maggie thatcher was a breath of fresh air that blew through this country when she came to power ..Blair was the same ...power corrupts FULL STOP and if any of you think that the tories or any other party will be any different go away and come back and tell me different in 12 years time

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He arrived at the enquiry early yesterday via the back door, a coward, he could not face the crowd.


He had the chance to say, he regretted the loss of life of our service personel, but he was too arrogant to say.


My heart goes out to the family's that have lost loved ones because of his lies, I bet he makes sure that none of his family enter the services.


He also had the arrogance to say the country is a safer place because of his action, I believe the London bombings would not have taken place if it wasn't for his lies, more innocent people dead.


And just today we are told that we are on an even higher terrorist alert.


I personally think the guy is a complete coward and mouth piece. He should have taken the opportunity to mention the loss of life and regret about it but alot of the Family's were looking for an apology, something i think he was very justified in not giving. Soldiers sign up for a career in the army to serve their country, that is a choice not by force, and them and their Familys especially the young lads who have most likely signed up while the conflict is ongoing know there is a high likely hood they will be sent to war. And to turn around after they have fallen in battle for their country and say it was for nothing in my view is a travesty in itself, they died fighting and doing a job they chose and were probably very proud of, so how dare anyone try to take that away from them.

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