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Sealyham Terriers

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lurchers does gozz still live in chilton as was talking to a lad there two weeks ago with a

couple of sealyhams said he kept the line for a long time really smart looking dogs

As far as i know mate ive havnt seen him or morris for a few years now but ive heard morris has jacked the dog game in.but dont hold me to that just what ive heard.

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Well, after much searching I've finally got a Sealyham terrier pup I'm happy with. It's took me over 2,years but eventually got there. The reason there's not many about I reckon is because proper blok

I've never met a genuine guy that was selling dogs to strangers. Have you met proper guys selling to strangers???   The guys I know don't sell and don't have strangers in their yards.

What a load of bollocks ...

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Seen a few from jimmy thompsons and morris and gozzes stuff years ago and the only had 1 speed and it wasnt reverse.but all of there stuff has died out now and nobody has any with there breed in them,so couldnt say how these ones thats around now would work.

Why did Mr Thompson switch to black terriers ?
He had run out of good out crosses from what i can remember but i havent spoke to jimmy for a couple of months as he is having chemo again and he looked drained and out of breath.there is a few on here say they have his bloodline but i know they havent.

Thanks Lurchers.

A friend has a very useful bitch of his breeding that was brought to a dog of mine but sadly he didn't do the business.

She's a nice rough black bitch.

He has some hard blackuns in mate i know that see if he has something to put it back to mate you never know atb

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Thats the thing, it's a different ball game, different dogs, different people good to worse, bad to worse or silly. What I read and the product years ago was the working sealham, it's digging, and the people involved, the weren't there for the fun of it, it was respect and working a dog and in good company, no harm,. Later when I heard of the breed it was trying to reclaim some thing that was probably well gone, then it was lucas terrier, and Sir, who knows, three breeds thrown into one.. But I respect and believe in black and white, the old gentrys of that era, must have been some thing, generation of the time or the wouldn't have bothered

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