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Sealyham Terriers

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Hi All,


I read an article in The Field a while back about Sealyham Terriers and they seem like nice dogs, and the article says that they are one of the most laid back of the terriers. Anyone have one or have any experience with them? How are they as a family dog? Post pics too if you have them!





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Well, after much searching I've finally got a Sealyham terrier pup I'm happy with. It's took me over 2,years but eventually got there. The reason there's not many about I reckon is because proper blok

I've never met a genuine guy that was selling dogs to strangers. Have you met proper guys selling to strangers???   The guys I know don't sell and don't have strangers in their yards.

What a load of bollocks ...

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My mate has hunted with the said fella,and vry impressed.I believe he breeds two lines a pure sealyham line and an outcross line to some very old russel lines.my mate who has been around a bit,has really been smitten.Different style to alot of others but real earthdogs.

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You need to get in touch via his webpage,as I think he maybe the only genuine one in the game still,but they are not cheap.But from what I've been told he talks the talk and more importantly walks the walk.I saw his pack (or some off them)at Ragley 2009

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