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  On 02/02/2010 at 20:28, wilson4347 said:

I would start doing some beating for the keepers and help them with odd jobs and feeding birds, just try and get in with them and you will learn alot about the job.

great advice there

also would be worth your while going to college as well but as the above says get in with an estate and its keepers and the estate they may even pay for college good luck and all the best mate :thumbs:

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how i got into it ,,,was,,,,school work experence,,,then asked if i could be tookon the Y.T.S scheme,,,that was running at time for apprentaships at the time,,,,so i got my placement 1st then went to collage,,,,,5 x 2 week,s block,s a year at collage


when i got to collage there was i think 17 other Y.T.S gamekeeper,s,,,half waiting for placments that the collage help find them most spent 2 to 6 weeks at collage till placments came in,,,,,some got really good one,s ,,,,the unlucky few got placed at collage farm to run small shoot,,,i think they were the unlucky few


iam x gamekeeper now

my brother x gamekeeper


old man still keeper,s 2day up in the hill,s,,,,,self taught






SO THINK ABOUT IT HARD,,,,ITS A GOOD LIFE,,,BUT AT THE SAME TIME POOR LIFE,,,DEPENDING ON WHAT THE ESTATE PAY OR PERKS,,basically u wont have much money in pocket most off the time,,, :thumbs:

Edited by whip x grey
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I'm an ex- Keeper Myself, back in the 70s when I was 13 I started Beating and when I left school at 15 was offered a job with accomodation, very little money but loved it.When I wanted to move on I was one of 350+ other lads going for the same post I got it. Today the competition is probably greater so the more contacts you have and the more recommendations you can get along with whatever college training is available will stand you in good stead. The moneys still crap but as has already been said when your young and single the moneys not what matters . Good Luck!

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Don't be put off fella by all the doom sayers yes the money to start with is poor but if you work hard and are ambitious then there are good well paid jobs out there but you need the contacts to hear of them good jobs are rarely advertised go to college get trained don't piss it against the wall and you might stand a chance of making a fantastic keeper. :thumbs:

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hi guys thanks for the replys you have been a great help :yes:

i have been beating for two years at an estate and the game keeper says if i need any references

or anything like that he would vouch for me :D

i sent my application away to college this morning ;):D

just hope i get it .

thanks again :clapper:

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