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shooting all day tommorow inc the moon can't wait, stock the freezer up!

I was supposed to go tonight, went at the meet point to meet the game keeper,got there at 5 waited an hour, phoned him up and he had forgotten about it. :icon_redface: but no worries.


Good luck and have fun buddy :victory:

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Been shooting the western isles for the last couple of days, yesterday 2 woodcocck, 2 teal and 3 mallard. Today out and about and 3 woodcock, 2 cock pheasnat and then down to the ponds at the back of the shore. It was cold tonight, a barn owl got me twitching as it quartered within 10 feet of me, a lapwing shot in and mewed before teal came. I downed one, others came too quickly and a pair of mallard came and went unscathed.


Tomorrow morning flight. :thumbs:

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Been shooting the western isles for the last couple of days, yesterday 2 woodcocck, 2 teal and 3 mallard. Today out and about and 3 woodcock, 2 cock pheasnat and then down to the ponds at the back of the shore. It was cold tonight, a barn owl got me twitching as it quartered within 10 feet of me, a lapwing shot in and mewed before teal came. I downed one, others came too quickly and a pair of mallard came and went unscathed.

sounds loike fun. them owls get me every time. dn't half shit you up!!

Tomorrow morning flight. :thumbs:

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The moon was massive tonight! The ducks still came on time tho, thought they might leave it till late. Had my last in land flight, 1 snipe, 1 canada, 2 teal and 5 mallard. Wish I could upload photos will learn soon.

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Morning flight on the shore, teal buzzed about but were too quick in the half light, a drake mallard came in and fell to my shot, it crashed through the ice and the dog picked it. Was cold last night, the shore was frozen. Tramped the bushes in the afternoon, must have lifted 20 woodcock.......shot 1 :no: and a cock pheasant.


Evening back down on the ponds at the back of the shore, took a mallard and a cock teal, other teal buzzed in and were down on the water in a jiffy. A pair of mute swans tried to chase a whooper swan off the water. The dog flushed a water Rail today, made my barrels twitch.. :o

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