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aye there a good piece of kit :victory: when you get used to using them wee bit of abvice get a battery tester saves a lot of hassle wondering if the batteries are any good :clapper::clapper:




thats a £1 cheaper than mine, good peice of kit to have is a tetser always know when your batteries are going ,nowt worse than not getting a signal on reciever due to collar batteries dying & having £60 underground :wallbash:

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The MK3m is a stunning peice of kit, and I rate mine better than the two MK1's I had. One piece of advise though Ash, change the batteries that come with the locator or they will let you down, they're only so you can have a play with your locator in the garden when you first get it, new toy and all that, and thats as long as they will probably last, because they're rubbish :thumbs:

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have you just been going out without one while you have been waiting to get it

Ye iv bin ferreting for about 2years and touch wood there have only bin about 20 lie ups i always wanted to get one but neva had the money but i cant wait now i actually want him to lie up so i can find him and have a dig o yes cant wait

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