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mole trap markers

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Hey jimmy boy, just use what natural resources you have... I've tried a few things, but now use small diameter hazel whips about 10" long, just snip them using secateurs, go for the ones smaller than your little finger about 1/2 the diameter, you will know the size is just right by sight... There free, light and hard. Then I just dip the tops in a small tub of bright red paint to highlight them better... I use the same for snare markers, ideal for soft and hard ground.. I like them better than wire, bamboo, etc just my own personal choice they all work though..


ps I used to use a few different things but pegangun got me using the fine hazel, if peg thinks its good, its good thumbs.gif


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i use the armour thats underneath the plastic on that protects copper cable straighen it out make a loop on one side, tie a little bit of red an white bunting tape on the loop if im near the road ill use stick out of the hedge tie a bit of sheeps wool to it hope this helps jimmy boy

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Rake the hills (or get the farmer to harrow them if there's a lot), then rebuild hills over where your traps are sited. Cost-free (to you) & the farmer gets the impression you're doing a good job before you've even trapped a single mole. Plus, you get to monitor any further activity pretty musch straight away

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the council are planning to build on a bit of waist ground by me. a chap spent all day putting these cool little coulerfull flags everywher. when he came back the following week they had all gone. bloody kids today lol the made goog markers tho hehe

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Like I said, why bother with markers when you can rebuild the hills over where your traps are? No-one's going to fart about messing with a 'molehill', are they? Putting up markers only highlights the fact that there's something underneath it, & there's so many idiots about that are prefectly happy to f*ck up your set that it makes no sense to advertise where you've got traps..........rake the hills flat, then rebuild new ones over your traps. Seems like a complete & utter no-brainer to me :icon_eek:


Edit: Forgot to mention that if someone digs up your trap & ends up catching their finger in it, they're within their legal rights to sue for personal injury, or have an assault charge laid by the police. Stupid, illogical & nonsensical I know, but that's todays UK :thumbdown:

Edited by Quixote
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