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Poodle climbs trees and nearly catches squirrel

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My wife has just bought a poodle and I took it a walk at dinner time and it really suprised me but it saw a squirrel and chased it but when it got to the tree it started climbing the tree and followed the squirrel along the branches and even jumped into another tree following the squirrel. The poodle finally lost the squirrel after climbing up a drainpipe of a house and the squirrel went into the roofspace through a hole to small for the poodle to follow.

I have took a video of this on my phone and will get my mate to put it on here latlater. :whistling:

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Thats funny because something similar happened to me, I bought a pedigree pug from champion showlines, and I was walking it across a field when we notice a duck on a pond, the pug ran straight at it and was running that fast it actually ran across the top of the water and grabbed the duck and brought it back to me, but I'm the same as you mate don't know how to get videos up :whistling:

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Yeah you think thats good! my terrier is cooking a full roast while moonwalking round in circles to the sound of the BENNY HILL TUNE waiting for the potatoes to boil :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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