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some silly questions. . .

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noticed on a thread here recently talk of a black rabbit.

does this occur ofton? there was a black rabbit in the field next to my mates house last year but i assumed that it had escaped from someones hutch somewhere?


secondly when you lads have to do a little digging for your ferrets do you fill the hole back in? or does it make any difference? i assume you would like rabbits to return to the set so as it can be worked again so does leaving evidence of dig outs hamper the repopulation of a set?


hope these questions arent too amatureish. . thanks :thumbs::thumbs:

Edited by dicky82
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  On 26/01/2010 at 18:21, DottyDoo said:

black rabbits normally occur where there is a hig bunny population

like cm said, stick a net over the hole, after liftin bunny oot

an like atuddy says back fill everyhole you dig before leaving the ground :thumbs:



have caughht a black bunny few weeks ago, apparently there is another on my permission which is full of bunnies, there are a few tales regarding the black rabbit, maybe some of the old school lads will know more, but the one which sticks in my mind is farmer releases infected

( mixi )rabbit which is black ( dunno if this is true ) another 1 is farmer used to release black bunny & if the farmer/gamekeeper didnt spot it on his rounds he new it had possibly been poached, also meant to be unlucky to kill a black rabbit,i always backfill after i leave the sett, but if im still working it i usually put another net on it until i leave ,then backfill


regards john

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Hey Man,


Like everyone else said - net the hole while your still working and then ALWAYS fill it in properly - otherwise you can f**k up a good set, damage live stock and generally f**k up the countryside you enjoy walking about.


As for Black rabbits there are a few possibilities - firstly as you guessed it could be an escapee (either from hutch or stately home) or result of an escapee breeding with the local populace. It could also be a 'parker' or descendent of such - this was a colored (usually black) rabbit released by old school keepers (and some still do), the idea is that you cant be picky when snaring/lamping rabbits and so if they notice the black ones are missing then they know some one has been hunting their rabbits.


However it is most likely that this is a color mutation - if you look closely the natural 'agouti' fur of rabbits is made up of lots of different colors - black, reds, whites, browns, greys etc and sometimes as with most other species, mutations occur where you get mono-colored animals - the most common seems to be black, although i've seen all white as well. They could also be melanistic - again resulting in all black coloring.


Hope that helps a bit.



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  On 26/01/2010 at 18:23, dicky82 said:

after putting this post up i see another lad got a black bunny in his haul. . is it a recessed jeen or is it due to inbreeding?? :icon_eek:


A recessive gene which is more likely to be seen if inbreeding occurs, much like all recessives. :yes:



I caught a very small black several weeks back and kept it. The wee thing is quite tame now and growing well.

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got a few differant coulours on my land the one in the middle of the bonnet is all black but have had one

with a brown body and a white band covering the two front legs going over it's back like a band

dont know where they came from was told that keepers would put black buck,s down with mixy so they would breed and when they found them dead they knew the mixy had worked and hopfully he had covered the does in that area

but not sure how true it is



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