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Hi all. fairly new to ferreting although been out a number of times in the past month that i have had my ferrets.


when we go out we always take a long probe with a Tbar handle which is about 3 foot long (deep sets here and loose chalky soil)


but we have never used the probe because luckily we have never had a dig with either of my 2 but i am going to my cousins farm this weekend and its gravely soil and the buries cant be deep because the water table is only 3 foot down there so would you say its worth making a probe for the weekend? My cousin has access to welding equip and metal so we will just weld 2 bits together and job done.


anyway back to my original question, who uses a probe and who thinks its just a piece of unnessesary equipment to carry?





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I got one made up but i hardly use it when im down roughly too the ferret i turn the box down and work it about in the bottom of the hole ive dug so i know right where the ferret is

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I use one, but its tubular, its its white and four feet long, not a heavy solid jobby, I dig to one side of the tunnel to avoid cracking the ferret with the spade, then knock the wall in with the probe, also handy for carrying rabbits on :D

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i have just recently cut some sticks to use as a probe, and to mark where the hob has killed {where he has stayed in one place for a bit}. some times when digging i thought i could just do with a stick or probe just to break through gently.sticks are obviously lighter to carry than a metal probe and i attach the locators to the end with elastic bands. ive started going out with an old guy who said if we mark with the sticks or pegs where we think the ferrets killed and moved on we can dig the rabbits out later.

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