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dogs that have done their time

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I know i few that keep there retired dogs until there getting to the point when its time to move on do the best for the dog but not to the vets,every dog ive seen hates vets and to let someone he/she the dog doesnt know put them to sleep with me watching isnt very comfortable for me or the dog so i would rather a walk up the field with the gun and give the dog a sharp one which wouldnt be felt and im would also feel better too doing right by the dog they would never know it happend! :thumbs:

100% with you mate :thumbs:

never right in the head , blowing a dog away in front of you, if you can live with that after all the service its give to you , and partnership through the years then on your mind be it. i will lay mine to sleep the same way they come in , the body intacted. shooting is humane but i wouldnt want to see the after math , it would be some thing i wouldnt get out of my head. my dogs are my family and i couldnt do that to any one in my family :icon_eek:

no point getting soft when the deed needs to be done you have to think of the dog first. Which way would YOU rather go, by your owners side out on a walk, or dragged kicking and screaming into the vets?

I keep my retired dogs until they either die of old age, or need putting to sleep. My old spaniel is 16 in march, he did 11 full years of work, not just during the game seasons. He has had a good retirement, a relaxing time, but he is now at the point where its decision time.


With you GENUINE Once the dog has no quality of life PTS :thumbs:

Edited by Simpson10
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i just wondered what you all do with your dogs when they have finished working,retired through injury,getting old ect,i personally have never had a dog longer than 8 years old,by this time the particu

no point getting soft when the deed needs to be done you have to think of the dog first. Which way would YOU rather go, by your owners side out on a walk, or dragged kicking and screaming into the vet

When a dog has served its time in the field, it should be aloud to have a happy and restfull retirement(in the house or kennel). For all the hours of joy, excitement and sport they give you its the le

I know i few that keep there retired dogs until there getting to the point when its time to move on do the best for the dog but not to the vets,every dog ive seen hates vets and to let someone he/she the dog doesnt know put them to sleep with me watching isnt very comfortable for me or the dog so i would rather a walk up the field with the gun and give the dog a sharp one which wouldnt be felt and im would also feel better too doing right by the dog they would never know it happend! :thumbs:

100% with you mate :thumbs:

never right in the head , blowing a dog away in front of you, if you can live with that after all the service its give to you , and partnership through the years then on your mind be it. i will lay mine to sleep the same way they come in , the body intacted. shooting is humane but i wouldnt want to see the after math , it would be some thing i wouldnt get out of my head. my dogs are my family and i couldnt do that to any one in my family :icon_eek:



Well considering my dogs are part of my family,it may just be me but i would much rather do it myself than see the dog scared to death in a vets getting pts by someone he/she dont even know! Im standing by the dog and im doing whats best for him when he/she is happy walking by my side and they dont know a thing happy ending and its not a mess at all when shooting a dog when you know what your doing!

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If anyone is ever in the situation that they can't keep their dogs and can't find anyone else to take them on, PLEASE contact me. We can almost always find old or disabled working dogs somewhere to end their days in front of a cozy fire with the odd run out.





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I know i few that keep there retired dogs until there getting to the point when its time to move on do the best for the dog but not to the vets,every dog ive seen hates vets and to let someone he/she the dog doesnt know put them to sleep with me watching isnt very comfortable for me or the dog so i would rather a walk up the field with the gun and give the dog a sharp one which wouldnt be felt and im would also feel better too doing right by the dog they would never know it happend! :thumbs:

100% with you mate :thumbs:


Ive been in this situation,and agree with the above posts.I hand reared my old terrier as a pup,he worked hard for 10 seasons,i risked my life several times when digging him,he never let me down and i never let him down but the time came and i did the right thing,not easy the hardest thing ive ever done but i did it not some stranger,and beleive me done right its instant.

When i buried this dog i couldnt throw earth on him,i placed it by hand until he was covered.

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I know i few that keep there retired dogs until there getting to the point when its time to move on do the best for the dog but not to the vets,every dog ive seen hates vets and to let someone he/she the dog doesnt know put them to sleep with me watching isnt very comfortable for me or the dog so i would rather a walk up the field with the gun and give the dog a sharp one which wouldnt be felt and im would also feel better too doing right by the dog they would never know it happend! :thumbs:

100% with you mate :thumbs:


Ive been in this situation,and agree with the above posts.I hand reared my old terrier as a pup,he worked hard for 10 seasons,i risked my life several times when digging him,he never let me down and i never let him down but the time came and i did the right thing,not easy the hardest thing ive ever done but i did it not some stranger,and beleive me done right its instant.

When i buried this dog i couldnt throw earth on him,i placed it by hand until he was covered.



MEMORIES :clapper::clapper:

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they dont have to be put down in the vets, now if you can pull the trigger in what you beleive is right then thats up to the individual, i dont beleive in suffering if i was honest if any of my dogs had a near fatal accident bad enough for me to put it out of its misery there and then i would if i had a gun with me. but just cant justify taking a dog for a walk knowing i will be shooting it to put it at rest. a jab at home on the sofa , surrounded by its everyday enviroment. i would remember the dog better that way than shooting it. every one to there own. i just hope people dont thimk it makes you more manly to put your dog at rest by shooting it.

happy hunting :thumbs:

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I know i few that keep there retired dogs until there getting to the point when its time to move on do the best for the dog but not to the vets,every dog ive seen hates vets and to let someone he/she the dog doesnt know put them to sleep with me watching isnt very comfortable for me or the dog so i would rather a walk up the field with the gun and give the dog a sharp one which wouldnt be felt and im would also feel better too doing right by the dog they would never know it happend! :thumbs:

100% with you mate :thumbs:


Ive been in this situation,and agree with the above posts.I hand reared my old terrier as a pup,he worked hard for 10 seasons,i risked my life several times when digging him,he never let me down and i never let him down but the time came and i did the right thing,not easy the hardest thing ive ever done but i did it not some stranger,and beleive me done right its instant.

When i buried this dog i couldnt throw earth on him,i placed it by hand until he was covered.



MEMORIES :clapper::clapper:

nearly had me in tears,no honestly though,it aint easy,but im with you,if any ones gonna put it down it certainly aint gonna be no stranger,and yes it is a hard decision but it is instant,its not hard either,as in big man hard,its something you are either capable of or not and i for one have never taken it lightly

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really does piss me off to see old dogs that are getting dragged around by there owners, picking them up to take them to the toilet, e,t,c


you have got to be cruel to be kind, and not everyone can afford £140 for a jab, i personally will never let anyone put my dogs to sleep, vets or not, yes it is a hard thing to do, but a carefully placed shot is the best by far, atb, ,

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i agree with whipptet 99, dont get me wrong if my dog was seriously injured in a accident in the middle of no where and i had a gun, i would hate it but id do it.

however and this is a very big however, if a dog has properly grafted for you and been your companion for 14 years being shot in the head is not the way to go. there is no dignity in that. pay more and have the vet come round your house and have a small injection with all the family around.

if your clever you would insure your dog/s when there one years old so its cheap (it costs me £6 per month) so for the vet to come round my house and have it put to sleep would only cost the excess wich i think is 30 quid.

and i may be missing the point but im going to say it anyway, and baring in mind iv got to good working dogs that hunt nearly every day of the year and are fit and fearless as they come, our dogs nowadays arnt doing a job, there doing our hobby. nobody needs lurchers to make a living anymore, they no longer need to be kept like tools. there living creature and if you want a tool a rifle or shotgun is much more economic. who can hold there hands up and say they need their lurchers to survive financialy? its impossible, bit of beer money yes, but i they should no longer be seen as tools. i was talking to a couple of old boys in my local and they said there lurchers used to make them a living 30+ years ago but you cant do it now. they also said while they kept lurchers to earn them a living they were still a companion and a faithfull friend and was not disposed of after it cant work any longer.

some may say i sound like a anti.

i think i have compassion to the only living things that enjoy what i love doing more than me, the hunt.

these amazing animals that sit faithfully at our feet should never be disposed of because they no longer serve a purpose they should be shown respect in the owners home that they have faithfully hunted with there whole life. i dont no about everybody elses dogs but mine would die for me. and as far as im concerned anybody or any animal that would do that for me has a place for life in my home.

just my opinion


im sure it is wrong in all you tough guys eyes.

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bit of visqeen down on kitchen floor and a smack with the flat end of the axe... only joking i personaly havnt had a retired dog yet but when i do it will be in the house until the time comes.. as GET THEM OUT said a cost effective shot in the right place sounds better than letting some vet jab it

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Speaking for myself it was a heart breaker and the main reason i gave up terrier work.Nobody seems to be taking into consideration the legal aspect of things,our old vet was used to treating working terriers never batted an eye,try walking in now with a terrier thats been heavily worked and see what the snotty nosed vet fresh from colledge does,visit from you know who comes to mind.

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