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Maggie's first ferreting foray

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Took out the pup today to enter her to the game, just a couple of easy sets certain to hold rabbits. She did really well the basic obedience training held up well and her recall was excellent,


My main concern was her attention span and riskng her whining when she was waiting. I neednt have worried she was as good as gold ran one bolter but lost it in a hedge set. she covered the second bolt well and left the netted rabbit when told to. She ignored the dead bunnys hunted up a bit of rough and got her head down really well around some big busy sets, she looks to have the start of a freeze type mark which is ideal if she keeps it up.


The first bolt was funny, the rabbit came out like a rocket hit the net and flew straight up she nearly had a heart attack but she quickly cottoned on to the game.


Ferreted one set and it was full of rats which is unusual on this bit of ground, i put her on the lead at this point as i didnt want her getting a bite at this stage.



We had a mooch around the rest of the permission and we pacticed re call and some hand signals she saw a lot of rabbits when on the lead but i kept her at heel and she kept listening to me so it looks like she will be just the job for the years to come.



we were out for about two hours which was enough for her as she was knackered in the van on the way home. her tiredness was probably more mental than physical as she has seen a lot of exciting stuff but kept her head and responded really well to commands.


all in all im a very happy chap

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sounds like she doing good mate mi pup 7 month now she bin ferreting with me about 10 times but she seem to be better [bANNED TEXT] i go by self than [bANNED TEXT] i go with people what the breeding of your bitch mines saluki grey x bull grey

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she is kelpie x whippet/grey mate. you just have to take your time with the pups some like her are very serious focused little dogs i would say in general yours might be a bit younger in the head the bigger the dog they seem to take longer to grow up.


but all dogs are differnt enjoy him lad but dont push him hard he is stil a bairn


we have a saluki x grey as well he is a beautiful dog but numb



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