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my 20 month old rottweiler comes ferreting with me and he can catch rabbits bolting from holes and across field also he flurottweiler coursing dogshed out and caught a rat and the other day he was chasing a deer across the field but because he got the slip to late he missed it by maximum of 10 feet and he also missed a stoat by inches across the field and would have caught it if the stoat never made it to the rabbit hole anyone know of anyone else who use's a rotty because to me its un heard of,,,need your views and opinions on this as to me he seems a one off and he stays out with us all day hunting with a terrier and he never gives up,let me know what you think please

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alright mate,dont no if you realised but you popped this post up in most sections but it all comes up in new content anyways so its on about 4 times,theres a bloke selling some luchurxrotti pups on here,might be right up you ally!


edited to change spelling mistakes :icon_redface:

Edited by ferreter.al
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