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Hi Daz

Yes I have owned a HW35 for a few years now. .22 It is a classic gun, 11fp + accurate and I have never had a problem with it. Its on the heavy side but as I shoot from a rested position whenever possible its not much of a problem.


I tend to use it for hunting vermin out to about 30-35 yards, and that is more my limit with this gun rather than the guns limitation. Like all springers you have to have a gentle hold and a good follow through to get the best results. It also has a great trigger that can be adjusted to suite your preference.


I would certainly be happy top recommend this as an excellent gun that will certainly meet most hunting needs.


Hope this helps





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Hi mate,


I was given one from an old friend who sadly lost his eye sight due to an accident and couldn’t shoot it.


They are brilliant rifles and are made to last.


They respond to tuning very well and mine was tuned by Tony Wall at Sandwell Field Sports so shot like a dream.


Mine sadly got stolen from my caravan when on holiday and I have been missing it ever since.


Hunting wise I had a Tasco High Country 6-24 x 40 mm fitted to mine and could take vermin humanely out to about 40 metres without a problem.


I too would also recommend them



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