SNAP SHOT 194 Posted January 23, 2010 Report Share Posted January 23, 2010 Ah the good ol days, choppers, 3 speed drifters and fishing....... ATB. Snap. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
SNAP SHOT 194 Posted January 23, 2010 Report Share Posted January 23, 2010 half ps you could get 4 black jacks for that lol run outs ,penny up the wall striping and making bikes peg guns back in the day Jesus i forgot about peg i used to paint mine cammo.... used to get more paint on myself........hehe Snap. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
wee gemm hunter 8 Posted January 23, 2010 Report Share Posted January 23, 2010 Brilliant post,had to fill coal sacks for my uncle on a Saturday morning{late 60s} in return for the rest of the day ferreting under the railway coaches,then sell the rabbits to the butcher,We ran a pack of the neighbours dogs, all mongrels,collies,alsations, labs, boxers,spaniels,setters,terriers, a collie/gru and the occasional greyhound that was no good for the track,Friday night was ratting night. We had at the packs peak 14 dogs. We would head up to the coup tooled up with sticks,air rifles, slings, bricks, tuck the troosers in to the socks and get wired in. Sunday morning was great,As I said almost all the dogs belonged to neighbours, and their was two wee gangs of boys, one from one street one from another, so whoever was up earliest got the dogs, we would go round the streets whistling the dogs and their owners would open the doors and let them out as the dogs would start howling the place down, we would gather them all up then have to wait for one of our mates to nip down to the chapel to find out which priest was on,so he could tell his mother later on in the day who was there, great times no looking over your shoulder and worrying about getting the nick. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
albert64 1,882 Posted January 23, 2010 Report Share Posted January 23, 2010 sean your bang on the money mate i was born in 64 great times used to play war with our gat guns and french arrows one of us was usually having stiches or a pellet removed, used to catch rats on the railway, jib the train to go camping at lyme park and as regards hand me downs i,m just glad i didnt have an older sister my kids think i,m away with the fairy,s when i tell them about when i was a kid Quote Link to post Share on other sites
greg64 2,888 Posted January 23, 2010 Report Share Posted January 23, 2010 SEAN3513 thats a great post, i was born i the 60's and ever bit of it was true. but you for got about the ice on the inside of the bedroom window , and just one open fire, if you where lucky forgot about the ice on the bedroom window LOL ,no duvets either and so many blankets and eider downs you couldnt move with the weight of them Quote Link to post Share on other sites
tsteve9999 456 Posted January 23, 2010 Report Share Posted January 23, 2010 Did anyone else connect elastic bands together to make a catapult that fitted over 2 pegs and fire netting staples at each other? We had small wars on the local waste ground, how someones wasn't blinded I'll never know. It got to the stage round our way where local shopkeepers refused to sell them to us. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
danw 1,748 Posted January 23, 2010 Report Share Posted January 23, 2010 Who's fault is it that kids have stupid names now and don't know how to play or help them selves it is their parents yeah you guessed it all the ones that where born in the 50's 60's and 70's sorry but you reap what you sow Getting my coat now and running for the door Quote Link to post Share on other sites
fozzy41 9 Posted January 23, 2010 Report Share Posted January 23, 2010 Fabulous post there mate. Born in 68 and that`s everything i did. Don`t forget making bows and arrows and playing cowboys and indians. We went camping up in the local woods and moors. My mam and dad wouldn`t see us all day in the 6 week summer hols. Would i let my daughter do the same now?, i don`t think so. It`s a Shame really that society can`t be trusted to help my child if she got into trouble whilst out of my sight. Society now would rather turn a blind eye and walk by a child in trouble. A lot of this is being frightened of being accused of something. One time of day i could go and plink with my BSA Meteor or Diana sp50 gat gun in the local woods, not now i`m affraid as the armed response unit or helicopter would be on me so fast and i would be put in prison. My wife is forever telling my daughter to wash her hands. I never washed my hands as a kid and i`ve built up a good immunity system. fozzy Quote Link to post Share on other sites
GET THEM OUT (.)(.) 39 Posted January 23, 2010 Report Share Posted January 23, 2010 bring back them days i say, i was born in 1990 but i still did many of then games,had ice on inside of window, never had any comp games untill the age off 13, was fetched up on a small farm house ( times was very rough ) if i wasnt making tree houses, i was helping my dad with fixing landrovers, made a full size rally track in the woods, only had my older brother to play with, use to sit upstairs shooting frogs with the air rifle, loved everymin of it, Quote Link to post Share on other sites
littlefish 587 Posted January 23, 2010 Report Share Posted January 23, 2010 Brilliant post,had to fill coal sacks for my uncle on a Saturday morning{late 60s} in return for the rest of the day ferreting under the railway coaches,then sell the rabbits to the butcher,We ran a pack of the neighbours dogs, all mongrels,collies,alsations, labs, boxers,spaniels,setters,terriers, a collie/gru and the occasional greyhound that was no good for the track,Friday night was ratting night. We had at the packs peak 14 dogs. We would head up to the coup tooled up with sticks,air rifles, slings, bricks, tuck the troosers in to the socks and get wired in. Sunday morning was great,As I said almost all the dogs belonged to neighbours, and their was two wee gangs of boys, one from one street one from another, so whoever was up earliest got the dogs, we would go round the streets whistling the dogs and their owners would open the doors and let them out as the dogs would start howling the place down, we would gather them all up then have to wait for one of our mates to nip down to the chapel to find out which priest was on,so he could tell his mother later on in the day who was there, great times no looking over your shoulder and worrying about getting the nick. Brilliant tale! I wonder what that raggle taggle pack of dogs ate in those days, eh? Quote Link to post Share on other sites
littlefish 587 Posted January 23, 2010 Report Share Posted January 23, 2010 SEAN3513 thats a great post, i was born i the 60's and ever bit of it was true. but you for got about the ice on the inside of the bedroom window , and just one open fire, if you where lucky W forgot about the ice on the bedroom window LOL ,no duvets either and so many blankets and eider downs you couldnt move with the weight of them Duvets with pockets - coats spread over the top of the bedcovers for extra heat! Quote Link to post Share on other sites
lost scouse 46 Posted January 23, 2010 Report Share Posted January 23, 2010 most of the dog shit was white and crumbly, diana sp50 had fun with mine ha Quote Link to post Share on other sites
bluebell 418 Posted January 23, 2010 Report Share Posted January 23, 2010 Great Post SEAN i had a brilliant up bringing, could have stayed out all day playing, used to head of in the mornings with my roller skates thinking i was Valda out of the comic Mandy, did'nt come home till we got hungry, never got bored, there was always something to play or do Quote Link to post Share on other sites
WHITEYrs4 29 Posted January 23, 2010 Report Share Posted January 23, 2010 Dont forget the white dog sh*t and using it for chalk and making the good old go karts out of pram wheels and good old timber! The most common dog was the jack russell that would always chase you (little bas**rds) Quote Link to post Share on other sites
WHITEYrs4 29 Posted January 23, 2010 Report Share Posted January 23, 2010 Dont forget the white dog sh*t and using it for chalk and making the good old go karts out of pram wheels and good old timber! The most common dog was the jack russell that would always chase you (little bas**rds) Quote Link to post Share on other sites
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