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Guest oldskool

it will blow the worms out his ass in no time :) ... very little does the job.. its been a while since i used it but if i remember it is 1ml for a terrier and 2 1/2ml for a good sized lurcher... a vet told me that a heavy dose wont do much harm because it will just pass through the dogs system. at the very most the dog might vomit but i've never seen it happen... i think a half gallon jar is about £40 the out of date is about 5 years but you will never get close to finishin the jar! best findin a farmer who will sell or give you a bit!!! :thumbs-up:

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Got Jazz injected with it when she was a pup, on the advice of some local lurcher lads, she had sarcoptic mange. It didnt work, went to my vets, told her what id done and she nearly wiped the floor with me. Ivomec is licienced for cattle, horses, pigs etc. And will NEVER be licenced for dogs because it kills them. I have a very good relationship with my vet, type of person who says it like it is...a spade is a spade.

Considering you can buy the correct licenced products needed for worms etc so cheaply online now, why take the risk?


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