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Very embarrasing!!

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Got up at first light today to shoot for a bloke in his garden. Arrived and saw loads of rabbits so I got about

4 rabbits in my line of fire

first 10 mins but wasent confident they were about 40-50 yards. So carryed on and got loads more in sight but still I wouldent take a shot even though I knew I could hit em. Anyway when at last I decided to take the Shot my

gun dident fire (I need to sort

this) this happend twice. I went and cocked went round a corner and there was a rabbit 15 yards away standing shot..... Bollocks I MISSED so now 2 hours and nothing to show. Oh and I missed a pigeon from close too :( what makes it worse the owner wanted me to show him how to skin and make stew.

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oh dear sounds cringe worthy mate! what gun is it? is it a trigger malfunction or something? i missed a rabbit a couple of nights ago too id just filled me gun up for the first time since getting it (s400) and i didnt compensate for it and went straight over the little sods head! he was about 20 yards! kicked myself

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Lol yea!! I wouldent normally miss by the way this was an exceptionaly bad occasion and my trigger worked sometimes and not on others. Also my target shooting if fine from 15-50 yards I need more field practice with range estimateing etc but as you guys say a LOT of practice wouldent go a miss.

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Sorry stealthy mate I really am a plonker!! Yea you were half there instead it was macaroni cheese :) but bugger me once I sort my gun out tuesday or Wednesday morning it will be rabbit stew for the whole village. Unless of course I can't hit squat again. ;)

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