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has anyone ever had a dog injured by black thorn my lurcher got spiked in the front leg today and his leg has swollen up to 3 times its size ive washed it and checked for thorns and there is none stuck in him ive stood him in cold water to try and get the swelling down and even gave him some anti inflametery tablets and nothing please help or should i just spend a fortune at the vets

Edited by the pikey poacher
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Blackthorn ussually swells and infects even if the thorn doesnt stay in,had a few in the hands arms myself,if its a puncture hole get some hydrogen peroxide [bleach blonde] from the chemist and water it down 3 parts water 1 part peroxide and inject it into the hole with a syringe just use the nozzle [not a needle]it should fizz a bit and fetch the infection out,it mildly cortorises the inside as well,dont use it neat.

Hope that helps.

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  On 22/01/2010 at 23:16, steveS.Yorks said:

Blackthorn ussually swells and infects even if the thorn doesnt stay in,had a few in the hands arms myself,if its a puncture hole get some hydrogen peroxide [bleach blonde] from the chemist and water it down 3 parts water 1 part peroxide and inject it into the hole with a syringe just use the nozzle [not a needle]it should fizz a bit and fetch the infection out,it mildly cortorises the inside as well,dont use it neat.

Hope that helps.

thank you all very much for all your help any more suggestions please

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  On 22/01/2010 at 23:27, the pikey poacher said:
  On 22/01/2010 at 23:16, steveS.Yorks said:

Blackthorn ussually swells and infects even if the thorn doesnt stay in,had a few in the hands arms myself,if its a puncture hole get some hydrogen peroxide [bleach blonde] from the chemist and water it down 3 parts water 1 part peroxide and inject it into the hole with a syringe just use the nozzle [not a needle]it should fizz a bit and fetch the infection out,it mildly cortorises the inside as well,dont use it neat.

Hope that helps.

thank you all very much for all your help any more suggestions please

don't worry about it, i am semi-retired tree surgeon, used to get spiked with blackthorn from time to time, salt water will sort it!!!

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  On 22/01/2010 at 23:16, steveS.Yorks said:

Blackthorn ussually swells and infects even if the thorn doesnt stay in,had a few in the hands arms myself,if its a puncture hole get some hydrogen peroxide [bleach blonde] from the chemist and water it down 3 parts water 1 part peroxide and inject it into the hole with a syringe just use the nozzle [not a needle]it should fizz a bit and fetch the infection out,it mildly cortorises the inside as well,dont use it neat.

Hope that helps.

Just to say syringe the HP in slowly,otherwise it swells up and you get a crackling effect in the limb,and as advised dilute it.Only use once ,it is a good way to fizz out muck but overuse inhibits the healing process.

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It's the sap from the Blackthorn that causes the swelling, so even if the thorn came out after it punctured the skin it can still swell. As long as your sure there's nothing left in the skin then just time will bring the swelling down. You can ease it a bit as stated above but the main thing is ensuring the whole thorn is removed otherwise it can get worse.

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Forget all this witch doctor crap ....wash it out with salt water and use some ice on it to take the swelling go down and if that dont work after 2 or 3 days take the dog to the vets yes it may cost you but you owe it to your dogs as they do their best for us we have to do our best for them..let us know how it goes .

best of luck :thumbs:

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:censored: our dogs get blackthorns in their feet all the time (especially tyla the accident prone one!)


i hot poultice the foot, if the foot is swelling or swollen its because their is an infection. the hot salty water draws out the infection. Once the foot has been standing in hot water for about 10mins dont dry it and wrap it in either animalintex or failing that sanitary towels work quite well. wrap the foot up quite tightly and this should draw out the infection and the pressure of it will push out the blackthorn.


you probably wont know if the thorn it still in there unless you have actually pulled it out whole. the foot should blister where the thorn is and pop out. repeat the poulticing method until it pops. this is the same method used for horses feet when they have abscesses.


good luck blackthorns are evil :censored:

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