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warning chaps

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just a polite warning to you chaps if rod& dog ever arrives back on hunting life be careful bout buying goods off him bought a digi cam off him on the 13th and still no camera payed in full the same night he asked through paypal and had no communicatiom from him except he said would be here any time at the start of the week ??????? now hes asked the mods to delete his name on here just a word of warning lads as i dont want any more happenin to any one else





chainy :censored::censored::wallbash:

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This seems to be happenin pretty often on here lately.. I know the mods have enough to be doin n things like this arent fool proof but somethings got to be done, i for one dont have many ideas but im sure if were to keep the for sale section (which is a good n useful section when used by true people) somethin gotta be done..

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This seems to be happenin pretty often on here lately.. I know the mods have enough to be doin n things like this arent fool proof but somethings got to be done, i for one dont have many ideas but im sure if were to keep the for sale section (which is a good n useful section when used by true people) somethin gotta be done..


Well to be fair mate, I wouldn't be sending money to anyone unless they're reputable businesses. I simply wouldnt be sending my cash over the net to any old character.


People have just got to be a bit more sensible when it comes to handing cash over to people on the net.

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ive had a good few deals with lads on here over the years and they have always been good on there word id love to put a thread up eating my words if the camera was delivered but its lookin very doubtful i will be alot more cautios from now on dont know how anyone cud have the cheek to do it as i have seen a good few members off here at shows up and down the country well just thought id warn other members on here in case they were to deal with this character



all the best




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Ive sent postal cheques to people off here for goods and always received the goods, so not everyone should be tarred.. The for sale section is a good section for lookin for or buyin goods, but (as said) we should be careful where/who we send our money to, as the onus is on us as buyers or sellers to look after ourselves and not the sites..

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I simply wouldnt be sending my cash over the net to any old character.

lol who told you i a cub scout im a girl guide leader lol doesnt look like this camera is turning up but a bit of luck has come i seem to have got aaddress for the little c**t look like a lamping trip down south is on the cards



Hoping your camera turns up mate, looking forward to all those photos you promised to send of you and Les Dennis dressed up as Boy Scouts.

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