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coursing bread dogs

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The lurcher has been on the edge of the law for its entire existance, this crap law wont kill it off! But i dont mix in coursing circles so i couldnt say the effect its having, just my opinion. atb

difficult to answer and keep within the law .. in sure the lines will survive!!   even if its for lure coursing

what lurchers a band breed get a grip so every running dog banned from pets racing rabbiting your scottish deerhounds who were once paraded with pride to pull a wounded stag down ,or your greyhound to


not long ago they where trying to take lurchers of people which the authorities beleave to be heavy saturated in bull,

well what i should say is pit bull,

so why can they not do the same with saturated saluki xs which they beleave are used in the art of poaching

All iam saying is i dont think they will be as populer over the next 10 yrs as they where the last 10.

no comparrison at all ... the p/ts were outlawered for compleatly different reasons ... nothing whatsoever to do with what is now termed as ....wildlife crime !!!!

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michael nor is a lot of things but you diversifie and get clever ,why should any body tell his fellow brother on there land what to do with there dogs ,who has the [bANNED TEXT] , cause i havent and nor has most , if you have written permision they cant take dogs of you weather game on it or not ,you should no as you are a supposdly a cop how to bend the rules , to sort the job , you should no more than most as you see it first hand , how bent youse are paid informers , brother against brother , are you proud of the law you serve and thepeople who run it ,are you proud to be aservant to the goverment at moment cause i would not be ,making criminals off honest men

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ps martyn my freind a long time ago 14 years ago says the useful old beardie types andscragy working dogs will come back as the laws get stiffer and more unjust maybe he was [bANNED TEXT] he was marc c glenn a clever guy in some ways ,he wrote about it in edrd years ago

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mate its not the dogs its the way we use them as a kid ive saw and been there as an adult catching game with dogs without a lamp in darkness and moonlite but you have to have the [bANNED TEXT] type of dogs and be willing to not catch as much, lets face it no lamp nobody sees you big lamp seen for miles ,just like years ago when it was drakonain , there ways my brothers nite sights all sorts of ways , you just need to impovise and well be good and not to greedy

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not to offend anything of the english sporting lads but there was a law as desribed on this where by the outside toe of a front foot of any dog over 20inch was removed during the time of the gamekeepers and landlords in ireland not to try and scare anybody or give anybody ideas

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