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lamping last night

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In the post it says you carry a mars bar just incase as this has happend before,to me it sound like shes having fits mate,my mate had a saluki done the same and one day when out walking coursed a bunny sadly the last course he had a fit and died in his arms and the sire of the dog died abt 1-2 years before then through a fit!

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well after being stuck in for a month because of the hard ground i decided with it being a good night last night i would take my dog for a night out on my permission,i have been walking her plenty and

i would of thought if i give her some food it would give her more chance of not having a fit.im going to try diorolyte in between runs, the diet has been changed and she done it on old one and new one and the diet she is on now is the same as my mates dog and it can run very big numbers of bunnies night in night out without any probs

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try feeding it more twice a day, feed it at dinner time or emeadeatly you come in from work if your lamping at midnight onwards it will have digested enough, then when you come in from lamping .


if your not already try adding plenty of fat to its diet beef/lamb, if ya can get it, the fat can be as simple as lard or dripping from the supermarket , will cost you pennys


hope alls ok read the above and take note this is a wise idea i have a local abbatoir and with it being halal they remove the chicken skin this is a good source also try a table spoon of glucose in a small amount of food about 6/7 hours before lamping.i have tried this in the past you can also get horse hydration powder a small amount of this is EXCELLENT after a good nights lamp or a good day out.....atb

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where do you get electrolites from?no never cramped up i noticed soon enough and gave her the mars bar in time which fetched her round thank god.i would of fed her through day but i didnt know i was going until last minuite



If shes gone off her feet before and you've had to give her mars bars,she has been over run. I learned the hard way and lost my best bitch chasing the numbers. She was a game bitch who would run till she dropped-literally. She had a couple of "wobblers" which meant carrying her back to the car. The third time she was not so lucky-she died on the way home.

My advice is quit while you're ahead,or more to the point,while she is ahead,especially if she hasnt lamped for a month. Believe me,if you kill the bitch you will feel a complete c**t-i did and still do. :wallbash:

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Theres nothing wrong with the feed scotty lad i fed Ginny on it all season and she ran great. The fat I put on the dog's dinners is just the old stuff emptied out of the chip pan just emptied into a bottle and a splash on their dinners. I don't no what wrong with Lucy though it's a different thing though mara running them beside car and walking them compared to actually running them on the bunnys. It does a little bit of good for them but theres nout like the real thing to get um fit. You should get them out more, wait til next year you wont have the work for three dogs lol, you can't get two fit haa.

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my old dog had a fit once when he was 6 out lamping carried him 5 mile back to the car put him in 5mins later right as rain??? i figured he'd had a stroke because ever since the fit when he got nervous or anxious his head would twitch uncontrolably???? rested him up for a while then carried mashed up glucose tablets out with me but he never did it again...oh yeah and after the fit started feeding him just a little bit 2-3 hours before we went out hope you get it sorted mate

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could of drunk some water that had a bit of anti freeze in it mate that had leaked from a veicle this happened to me a few years back dog started fitting took him straight to the vet but he died the next day


Anti freeze is lethal, normally go into a drunken state, my mate phoned me one night distraught,told me he was out with his dog and it had been eating scraps out of a plastic bag, told me symptoms told him to get milk down its neck then get it to vet as soon as possible,he took the dog and the bag to the vet.

Scraps in bag saturated in anti freeze, dog lived and still catching.

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Sounds like it might be Diabetes? if so then thats nothing to do with you, or the feed, it just happens sometimes.

Try checking her pee for Gluecose, you can get these strips of paper from the Pharmacy for humans that work just fine on dogs. Bit nasty but try and get it 'mid stream' from her. Cheap and easy way of checking for at least one form of Diabetes, it will also check to see if her Kidneys are working properly.

If nothing shows up then maybe get her to the vets for a blood test?

It also sounds like you keep them in a real fit condition all the time, so try as Tomo said and add more Fat to her diet? so what she does eat of her dinner is higher in calories.

If she hasn't got any body fat then she's constantly running on reserves and as she's had a long 'rest' period from work, her appetite hasn't caught up with her workload yet if that makes sence?

In a few of your posts you said other people can get away with not feeding before work/running them hard after long rest periods etc with no ill effects. Theirs might be carrying a bit more body fat to burn off during a night out or have less muscle to burn the energy as quick. Don't forget every dog is differant. As yo said you were running her and she hadn't been fed since the night before, then I'd guess this was the cause.


I did it once with Roo, I usually only feed my dogs 6 days a week but got an invite out the day after the non feed day by a friend after a freezer filler, so he was running after almost 24hrs since his last feed. After 2-3 runs and no catch I could see he wasn't running quite right, even though he wasn't tired/panting for long after each run he just didn't seem to have that extra gear when running.

Stupidly, even though I'd guessed something wasn't right I got talked into running one more. After about 200yds he just stopped and laid down panting in the middle of the feild.

Luckily he was fine after having a snack but inexperience and pride almost cost me my dog. They just don't know when to quit and will run themselves into the ground if you let them.


I hope she gets back to herself soon and good luck,


All the best.

Edited by bullmastiff
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hi there i had a very simular situation to you, with a pup i`ve bread, simular breeding started at a 1 years old tryed every thing, been to vets lots of times tryed all sorts of diets every thing. i was told by the vet that is was brought on by her coming in and out of seasons and been immature! i was given the oppertunity to have her neuted or cope with it as she will grow out of it! and sure enough she has shes 3 & 1/2 now and been fine for a few years (touch wood!) hope this helps a little!

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Do you give her chocolate any other time? Chocolate can cause dogs to have fits.


If she came round quickly after the mars bar it may have been low blood sugar/over exercise (I recommend finding something else to give her though, like glucose tablets, you can dissolve them to make them easier for her to take and quicker to get into her system), or it may have been coincidence that she has come round. She may just be epileptic, in which case your vet can give her drugs to control it to a point. It takes some time to get the dose right though.


Even young animals can die during a fit, sometimes the heart just packs in. In future try giving something high sugar before you go to keep her blood sugar up. If you still have problems then you can look elsewhere for the cause.

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