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lamping last night

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seen a few thats been over run especially dogs taken where theres more stuff than there used to running,

OK if there unfit but if its a pretty fit dog thats having a wobble especially a fast type then with the same amount of graft it more than likely will happen again fingers crossed it will be ok but as has been said keep your eye on the dog when its grafting atb.

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well after being stuck in for a month because of the hard ground i decided with it being a good night last night i would take my dog for a night out on my permission,i have been walking her plenty and

Just for the record did the dog have any illness as a young pup like parvo or enteritus that dyhdrated it badly that its air passages were damaged thus starving oxygen to the brain i have only seen these symptoms in a dog that recoverd from parvo in the late 80s.atb dell

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i dont know anything of her as a pup i bought her at 8 month she has had all her jabs though.i will keep a close eye now and give her a break every few runs and if tired il call it a night.when i think back i did give her a real hard graft all within 3/4 of a hour,it was probly mainly down to me

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i dont know anything of her as a pup i bought her at 8 month she has had all her jabs though.i will keep a close eye now and give her a break every few runs and if tired il call it a night.when i think back i did give her a real hard graft all within 3/4 of a hour,it was probly mainly down to me

i would agree there mate,seen the symptoms before,take it easy for a while see how it goes :thumbs:

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i wouldnt mess about bud just get her to the vet and get it sorted. i know the b*****ds have our eyes out (i paid £200 for a set of stiches recently)but she deserves it and it will sort your head out one way or the other on decidng her future

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All dogs have differnt [level's of stamina].? It dont matter how its bred, if it keeps doing this, and its ok in every other way, and its quite fit.Then this is its [level], some dogs can run 30-40 in a night, and some 20-25 in a night.? It comes down to each dog,some will always have bit better wind than another.Fact?

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