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lamping last night

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well after being stuck in for a month because of the hard ground i decided with it being a good night last night i would take my dog for a night out on my permission,i have been walking her plenty and letting the dogs run freely just not running them after game, anyway i started lamping at 10pm first couple of slips no result next field 4 runs 3 caught and all retrieved, on to next field there was a few about but most were away first flash of the lamp although got another 4 all retrieved next field got a squatter as it lifted a hare also lifted so i knocked the lamp off and let it away as we all know its ilegal to run hare!then i went across on to the other side which is a big bank full of bunnies but with a wood at the bottom and a small drop at the bottom and when the bunnies get to it they go out of the lamp under the fence and in to the wood i got a further 2 from here but missed quite a few with it being hard to keep away from the cover with them going out of the lamp, anyway i found another one and sent her on anyway it to went out of the lamp and to my suprise she came back with a long ear not what she chased(of course this was shot and retrieved) so i went on and found 1 more bunny sitting by a troff i slipped her and she walked as if she was stalking which she does quite well but as it lifted and ran she didnt bother chasing it which was strange,i called her over and she was twitching and wobbling with glased rolling eyes. and as she once took a fit with me i always carry a mars bar as thats how we got her around last time, i gave her this and she perked up but i called it a night. she is a 2year old saluki whippet grey x 1/4 bull 3/4 grey and she never shows any signs of tiredness even before she went funny.i was wondering if anyone has experienced this before or knows what could be the cause as i would like to get her sorted,im thinking she may have blood sugar problems as she is a very fit dog any info appriciated thanks

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well after being stuck in for a month because of the hard ground i decided with it being a good night last night i would take my dog for a night out on my permission,i have been walking her plenty and

Sounds like how some people go who suffer from diabetes. Ask your vet mate, she sounds a good dog so you want to get her sorted. Well done on the bag anyway mate. What was the amount in the end?

Happy Hunting Jamie93

9 bunnies and 1 long ear i was well pleased with her.hope i find out the problem or else she will be retiring to a house dog, shame but rather that than cause her pain

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ok 1 long ear and nine bunnies will not seem much at all,but as you said not been running the dog,some dogs imo do not instantly give warning that they are tireing,and can just seize up and stop at any time,maybe,just maybe you done to much with her,after all the dog will not know when to stop will it,not having a go mate,just a thought :thumbs:

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ok 1 long ear and nine bunnies will not seem much at all,but as you said not been running the dog,some dogs imo do not instantly give warning that they are tireing,and can just seize up and stop at any time,maybe,just maybe you done to much with her,after all the dog will not know when to stop will it,not having a go mate,just a thought :thumbs:

yes i fully understand that but i have a 3/4grey 1/4saluki which imo has no where near as much stamina as this one and puffs and blows off a few runs but can catch this ammount easy and other people who have not worked there dogs due to the weather dont have this problem and i have had mine out walking for 2 hour each day which a lot wont get and also i run them at 10mph a fe few times a week for 6 mile so i doubt there unfit

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try feeding it more twice a day, feed it at dinner time or emeadeatly you come in from work if your lamping at midnight onwards it will have digested enough, then when you come in from lamping .


if your not already try adding plenty of fat to its diet beef/lamb, if ya can get it, the fat can be as simple as lard or dripping from the supermarket , will cost you pennys

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i have tried to feed her more but she will only eat so much and will only eat once a day.can u get the dripping from any supermarket?at the minuite im feeding raw chicken mince pasta veg and a tiny bit of dried food and a egg i split this between all 3 of my dogs and they get enough as they each leave a tiny bit and my pup eats that as his second meal

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yes comes in big blocks like butter , has ya mam never sent ya to the shops for some lard or dripping lad :clapper: if ya feed the dogs in seperate kennels , ttry feeding them all together at the same time on ya backyard , just a few feet apart, but stay with them.


this will encorge cometition they will soon start wolfing it down

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oh i know what you mean now the stuff that was used for chip pans.lol how much of that should i give them each day?will they not get high cholestral i do feed them all together each night and they wolf it until they are full the pup gets whats left in the morning as its same ammount as night feed, maybe its because i left her without feed from the night before when i ran her but i know a few people who do it like this and they have no problems i will try feeding them at dinner times now

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no its my other dog that blows the 1 im on about hardly ever opens her mouth even after a good long course through the day and if she does she gets her breath back instantly.she has no injuries either.im puzzled she ran 3 mile out of back of car one night and then at the last 2 fields got 2 shot and retrieved hare each good long courses and never broke sweat

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saw dogs doing that mostly lack of fitness and to much greyhound does it ,saw adog die doing it , a hancock , carry electose like gatorade in water it gets them goimg again , fitness as in running fitness is the problem ,more saluki they rarely have it but saw very greyhoundy types blowing up and collapsing , maybe she tries hard and doesnt no when she has had enough, had afew like that and you just need to no [bANNED TEXT] self ,not the dog mate ,just need to watch her as if she is ahard running bitch shee will try beyond the pain barrier ,u get to know when adog gets tired he cant get back to his qaurry and is running on empty

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