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best day ever, big thank you to chris88

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a good mate chris88 had kindly invited me to one of his new permissions for a morning on the woodies, we'd been out a couple of times before, but in the colder spells and it was way too cold, blue finger type of days, anyhow chris had taken a day off work, and as Im a night worker, the plan was to finish as early as possible (3am) go home, change and grab my gear and go straight to chris's house, thus missing the early rush hour traffic, and grab a couple of hours zzzzz's on his couch, well at 2am it started pee'ing it down, and it carried on until just after 7am, by this time we were sitting in the jeep, in a field, so we grabbed the gear and heading for the straw bale hide situation in the middle of a rape field that had been well hit by the woodies, set up the magnet with hypa-flaps and layed the decoy's out, within minutes of setting up we had a flock come down, I took one shot and bagged two :D

the rain held off for most of the morning, and we had a very exciting few hours, once we had a couple of woodies in the bag, we used these to replace the hypa flaps, and I reckon this really pulled the birds in, you could see them spot the deeks and turn and come down into the pattern, it was my first busy shoot with the hatsan, yes I can understand those that dont like the button that needs pushing when re-loading, but with two of us shooting, taking it in turns, it never became a problem, not once did it jam either :thumbs:


we ended the day with 19 birds, not a large bag, but the best so far, a very enjoyable day with good company and some birds for the freezer, a couple of pictures below,



ps; chriss, remember your gun needs cleaning





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good work fellas :thumbs:


how you liking the semi auto stubby???






I absolutly love it mate, it was only last week that I figured out how to give it a total strip down, so until then it had been running dirty and still working, as a rough gun, it does exactly what it says on the tin, today it had rain on it, mud and straw, and blood, did I worry :no: had it been a more expensive gun, maybe I would have

yes I can see chimps point now about the dreaded button, there were times when chris was telling me birds were coming in, but I was in the middle of re loading , but as stated, with two of us there, it was'ent the end of the world, the newer hatsan have elimanated the side button, so faster re loads are possible

I have notice that the choke needs checking throughout the day, approx 40 shots and it starts getting loose, which could cause problems for some if they forget to check, but hey, its a budget gun, so again, I can live with it

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the escort is a good piece of kit for the money...imo.


i still use an old mossberg pump...for wildfowling


it works wet, hot, cold, clean , dirty and cycles any load with no problem :thumbs:


picked it up for £50....and never use anything else for rough shooting.


with regards to the choke coming loose.......mine did the same, a couple of turns of ptfe tape (plumbers thread tape) on the thread, tightens it up.....but you can still remove it when you need to.





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with regards to the choke coming loose.......mine did the same, a couple of turns of ptfe tape (plumbers thread tape) on the thread, tightens it up.....but you can still remove it when you need to.






had thought of that too, see, great minds think alike :clapper:

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