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Pests under my chicken coup

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Hi Guys,


Didnt know which section was best to post this in so thought I would plum for General.


Having kept poultry for years I have had a few unwanted visitors but nothing to serious and I have always just dropped abit of poison down and seems to have done the trick.


I have quite a large chicken pen with a large run with a slabbed floor, I am 99% sure it rats there are 3 holes around the edge of the slabs with quite abit of earth piled up outside.


I have today set a small fenn trap near to one of the entrances and baited it with some dog food.


I am after your opions as which way to tackle the little buggers! I dont want to use poison as I now have 2 dogs ( Lurcher and Patterdale ).


I am a pretty good shot with my air rifle and I have access to a logun lamp ( gun mounted )if this is the way to go what is the best way to bait them for shooting?


I have access to an old smoker and let the dogs have some run haha.


So what do you think is best .... trap, air rifle, dogs???





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you say the chickens are housed on concrete slab that the holes are under, so smoking with a petrol engine might not be the best plan for the chickens, as gasses may harm them, unless you know someone with a rat attack smoker (harmless smoke)


the air rifle option will work, just make sure you have a good backstop for missed shots, and lay out some liquidized cat/dog food in a suitable place to get the rats to stop, check this out in the daytime and have a few practise shots to make sure you hitting the spot



see how the mk4 fenn trap goes, make sure you build a suitable tunnel over it, wood or bricks to keep within the law, saves any non target species getting caught, if this catches, then maybe carry on with this, one a night would'ent be bad

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Thanks for the fast replys guys,


Stubby that was my only concern with smoking em out. I have read somewher that a can of dog food with holes drilled in it is a good way of keeping them in a single position long enough to get a shot away. back drop is not a problem.

I will put some peanut butter on the trap and see how that goes tonight, if not I am off work tomorrow so i will have an hour n sit out and see what happens with rifle in hand ;)


Shame would have been good experience for the patterdale to have some fun!


I will keep you posted

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