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close quarry

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in word aaron....nothing.


never shoot at close range,in that situation, because it will be a rash shot, you will probably miss, and not know where the pellet is going to end up.





buy an air pistol and a shoulder strap :thumbs:





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There's a local sports ground/major dog walking field near me which has about one hundred rabbits inhabiting it, and they retreat into a thick bush area that lines the field, and several times I have walked along it and seen a rabbit or two in the hedge just sitting there when I'm less than a meter away (like what pheasants do) and I always with I had my catty with me :( But no chance of getting shooting permission :thumbdown:

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I was out hunting with a lad on here last year on my permission and he said stop as we were driving down a very narrow track.


I stopped quickly as we were only going slow and next to him on the passenger side was a squizzer sat on a post looking at us both :blink: .


It didnt give a feck and must of been hard as nails :boxing:


It was no more than 3 or 4 metres from us as the track was so narrow.


He had a shot at it but missed by miles due to not enough hold over applied to compensate for the lower barrel and not being able to focus on it very good due to being on x6 mag, (lowest setting) :censored: .


Just goes to show that close shots are sometimes alot harder than far ones.



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You want close Aaron?


Walking upto my permission there are ALWAYS bunnies sat at the side of the road on the embankment side.

I could (if I was quick enough) reach over to my side and grab them.

They seem to know they are safe on that side :wallbash:


The very closest I got to quarry was one morning in long grass at the side of a field, I nearly stood on a kit.

I felt it hit my foot as my foot went down and it bolted. Gave me the fecking fright of my life :icon_redface:

I was lucky I managed to bag one later, which was suprising as my heart was thumping still and I could have sworn they could hear it banging in my chest.



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Yeah has happened to me before. If you expect a lot of close range shots, example, day time ratting then you can use open sights these are good for anywhere between 0-25 yards, for me. Some rifles don't have open sights but I have a scope for my rifle and take it off when I'm expecting a lot of close range shots on a trip. Just remember to check the zero when you have changed sights.

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Last year I was laid under a hedge waining for some rabbits to climb an embankment into the field so I could whack a few, must have nodded off, because a rabbit ran into my moderator and knocked my gun out of my hands, is that close enough :D

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here's close for ya

i was stalking :ninja: a bunny on a fence line,and got within range. i moved matrix slow to the ground put my AAS410K .177 down,

cocked the rifle just as i was putting my eye to the ocular lens

another bunny ran right under my rifle, :doh:

if i had got out of matrix mode and in to speedygonzalas mode :laugh: i would of picked it up as it was about six inches from my hand :censored:

hows about that!





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Many moons ago I was out rabbiting on the estate where I worked. We'd been having a big problem at the time with foxs raiding the release pens so most of the time I'd have a shotgun on my arm. We'd been after the buggers for ages but little joy..


Sod's law on this outing, I'd got my old Airsporter with me when as I was creaping along, Charlie popped out in front of me not 5 yards away. We looked at each other for a few seconds, then he ambled away.... I swear he knew there was sod-all I could do!



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ever had this happen to you? this afternoon i was lofting some decoys in a sitty tree when a pigeon landed 2 yards above my head. my rifle was a yard away from me and i made one very slow step to pick it up but it spotted me and flew off. ever had quarry appear very close to you, what can you do?


not seen you in a while aaron hows you been?

Ive not quite been in that situation but i have stood next to a medium sized haw thorn bush aiming at a pigeon about 45 meters away sadly i missed but even more sadly there were a group of pigeons sitting not 2 feet away from my head which frightened the life out of me when they bolted


Atb Richard

Edited by RaiderBoy
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in word aaron....nothing.


never shoot at close range,in that situation, because it will be a rash shot, you will probably miss, and not know where the pellet is going to end up.





buy an air pistol and a shoulder strap :thumbs:






ha ha , like the pistol and shoulder strap idea :clapper:

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