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rspca wildlife center

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so i thought id write this as 1 good experience :) cause everytime i see rspca its something bad!! argh :/

lol so , last year about a monthish before christmas , the neighbor shouted 'in style ' through the window oi have you lost a fferret cause theres one in the garden , so without thinking i ran next door and there in there garden was a wild polecat covered in poop and very ill and weak looking , so i manged to get it out the side of there shed using food like a hour tic'd by before i did and put it in a box , anyway over a month, it had been frontlined bathed and fed up then , it attacted me went crazy chased me up stairs lol

so the rspca had to come out and get it , thats when he said it was a wild one and that now its in better health its turned . i guess back into the crazy monkey it naturally was .

but he rang me and said that i should go to the rspca wildlife center and talk to the guy there about what they do and i went today and it was amazing!!! omgggggggggg wants to do it XD

from hedgehogs to crows to piegons to seals even i saw they have a section for birds of prey they help and thats so amazing i think anyway lol


Edited by emeera
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  On 20/01/2010 at 23:16, emeera said:

so i thought id write this as 1 good experience :) cause everytime i see rspca its something bad!! argh :/

lol so , last year about a monthish before christmas , the neighbor shouted 'in style ' through the window oi have you lost a fferret cause theres one in the garden , so without thinking i ran next door and there in there garden was a wild polecat covered in poop and very ill and weak looking , so i manged to get it out the side of there shed using food like a hour tic'd by before i did and put it in a box , anyway over a month, it had been frontlined bathed and fed up then , it attacted me went crazy chased me up stairs lol

so the rspca had to come out and get it , thats when he said it was a wild one and that now its in better health its turned . i guess back into the crazy monkey it naturally was .

but he rang me and said that i should go to the rspca wildlife center and talk to the guy there about what they do and i went today and it was amazing!!! omgggggggggg wants to do it XD

from hedgehogs to crows to piegons to seals even i saw they have a section for birds of prey they help and thats so amazing i think anyway lol


So when did they ask for the donation? Before or after? :D

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First of all i doubt it was a wild polecat, i have handled one and they are extremely viscious (not to be picked up in someones garden).


Secondly whos genious idea thinks it will be a good idea to release a voracious predator into a nature reserve (the kind of dimwitted thinking we have come to expect from RSPCA/RSPB).


Thirdly, most of the wildlife you have listed is vermin and should be treated as such.


Fourthly, did they ask you for a donation


Lastly, were you stupid enough to give them one? :icon_eek:


No offence ment, just my opinion. FTB

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