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There are very few white dogs that could be classed as good digging dogs in this country, i havent seen many. Most of the russels now have too much show influence and they think they got a worker if they bolt a fox from a drain.lol :clapper:


You trouble maker you!!!!!!

But i have to agree to many show dogs the black ones only for me! :clapper:

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tell that to m richardson, c rivers, r duggan,

i think you will find that there still is very few white stuff in the N East matey, thats why they practically died out(no outcrosses). :clapper:B);) ;) ;);) but would you say that good digging white dogs are easy to come by... :hmm:

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Yes Chris thats the dog, I heard the dog was taken of the lad. Though Chris if the dog spewed in Ireland why sell it on.



got told the dog came back and after abit he was tried again and the dog dug his stuff, and from what i have been told kept doing it , but what you have to think about was it dug to once a week once a month once every 6 weeks , i dont know, you take a man at his word until you see it with your own eyes, have judged enter class at shows and the bullshit people tell you , its just unreal, i look at them and think bullshiter and get on to the next 1, sort the wheat from the chaff.What will do for one man wont do for another. Thats all i can say.


Cheers Chris


CHRIS im just reading over this ,did you know the guy

who bought the spewed dog that went back over ,

can i shed some light on the subject .i was down at a

dog show in TRAMORE CO WATERFORD ,which use to be

a yearly tradition for us ,think it was 1993 ,i got talking to

a few guys who were over from ENGLAND for the show ,started

telling me they had bought a white dog of KEN for £1000 ,their

exact words ,as the conversation went on i then tippled that it

was the dog that chucked it in ,i asked the guy had he the dog

out in the field to see what it could do ,his words were "I HAD IT OUT

ONCE LAST SEASON " and dug him out .Of course the dog wouldve been

fresh to dig as it was only out once in a year .I called LOUNGER over and

he couldnt believe it .I always wondered what ever happened the dog .





a up boots , lot of money mate , i knew the man but didnt get on with him

he had a red dog aswell , another 1 that was in to the dog game for the money,

thats why i said i didnt no how many times they had it out and dug to the dog

, right lads im off will get back to this on monday when i get back .



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Guest grubygrafter
:11: sticks and stones......i stick by what i said....in england (not ireland)i have seen a few white dogs and most have been sub standard. Not saying there are none, but they are not common. perhaps it depends on what the owner classes as a good digging dog. dogs capable of being dug to 2,3,4 times a day...not in puppy places either. one hole. on the money. working 50,60,70 a season. thats what i call a good one...just MHO....so tell me....are there loads of these about........ if so, let me know, please. regards, JD



:blink: i would agree with most of what you say. but i would say that is true of all working terriers in general

i would also say that you are being unreasonable. how many terriers ( realistically} get that amount of work

you could write the same about terriermen. but you point your statement at white terriers only. the fell/patt/ russ etc as workers are in decline. but they all have there hotbeds.. i have seen some shite coloured terriers there are more crap coloured teriers round here than good ones. thats for sure


so how many go out and work one dog 2 3 4 times a day in difficult places 506070 times a season. not many i bet . i had a few seasons where i came near to this but to do this year in year out is some feat

and takes its toll on man as well as dog. if you are one i take my hat off to you.


as for sticks and stones. my appologies :icon_redface:

Edited by grubygrafter
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j darcy , i live in england as you know, and i also remember you phoneing me to see if i had any thing 4 sale jonno, at the time i didnt but my brother did , he had 2 bitch pups off me , i got 1 back and met you at a show with her £75 it was i think, thankfully you didnt have the bitch and 1 of my mates did , he just had to give me a pup back out of her , she turned in to a right good digging bitch and you could dig her 3 & 4 times a day , she was out of my old bitch pepper , then when she was about 4 years old some b*****d nicked her ( i didnt get me pup )i sold her brother to a man in irland about 6 months later and he worked that dog hard 3 & 4 digs in a day and more then once a week, he wasnt good looking he looked like his mam and worked like her to ALL HART , now days i dont sell dogs that are working even if i get 1 back if [bANNED TEXT] is in trouble ,to meny people want ready made dogs and that cus they havent got the time to bring 1 on and then there are them what nick your dogs, sorry you come on my garden and if i catch um they get it good as ive had alot go missing over the years plus dogs and bitches that i have put out with people go missing, the only people that come to my house is them i trust and then i put the big dogs away , ive been away for the weekend the first time in 9 years and my misses told me the dogs have been kicking off late a night some b*****d around, i just want them to come back as it will keep me big dogs feed for acouple of days.




kenny, bert was 8 in may, he as never been kenneled up in barnsley, he was at a mate house in bath for a few months and he worked him down there but didnt think the dog would live very long as he gets it on with foxes straigh away and didnt want to lose the dog so he came back after about 4 months but it helped the lad out for abit till his dogs was old enough.



ive said it befor there are good and bad in all terrier breeds ,white, black ,black & tan ,reds ,borders the lot and it up to people if they want to work them or not, ive had some good seasons and some bad , you never no what you will get from 1 year to the next, i had a pack of hounds for years to get me more work for the terriers and yes it was good but no f****r else would keep them on there garden but all wanted to go out with you with them to get more work for there terriers so in the end they all want.


enjoy your days and your terriers.



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j darcy , i live in england as you know, and i also remember you phoneing me to see if i had any thing 4 sale jonno, at the time i didnt but my brother did , he had 2 bitch pups off me , i got 1 back and met you at a show with her £75 it was i think, thankfully you didnt have the bitch and 1 of my mates did , he just had to give me a pup back out of her , she turned in to a right good digging bitch and you could dig her 3 & 4 times a day , she was out of my old bitch pepper , then when she was about 4 years old some b*****d nicked her ( i didnt get me pup )i sold her brother to a man in irland about 6 months later and he worked that dog hard 3 & 4 digs in a day and more then once a week, he wasnt good looking he looked like his mam and worked like her to ALL HART , now days i dont sell dogs that are working even if i get 1 back if [bANNED TEXT] is in trouble ,to meny people want ready made dogs and that cus they havent got the time to bring 1 on and then there are them what nick your dogs, sorry you come on my garden and if i catch um they get it good as ive had alot go missing over the years plus dogs and bitches that i have put out with people go missing, the only people that come to my house is them i trust and then i put the big dogs away , ive been away for the weekend the first time in 9 years and my misses told me the dogs have been kicking off late a night some b*****d around, i just want them to come back as it will keep me big dogs feed for acouple of days.




kenny, bert was 8 in may, he as never been kenneled up in barnsley, he was at a mate house in bath for a few months and he worked him down there but didnt think the dog would live very long as he gets it on with foxes straigh away and didnt want to lose the dog so he came back after about 4 months but it helped the lad out for abit till his dogs was old enough.



ive said it befor there are good and bad in all terrier breeds ,white, black ,black & tan ,reds ,borders the lot and it up to people if they want to work them or not, ive had some good seasons and some bad , you never no what you will get from 1 year to the next, i had a pack of hounds for years to get me more work for the terriers and yes it was good but no f****r else would keep them on there garden but all wanted to go out with you with them to get more work for there terriers so in the end they all want.


enjoy your days and your terriers.



sorry chriss i meant the pup out ov burt buster

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then a photo of 3 of um, if they work as good as there mam & dad i will be well happy, they want to kill every thing they see now, they will be enterd next year but in the mean time they can have a play with the foxes that come on the garden at night for me chickens, dead foxes that is . :laugh::laugh:

Edited by chris hickling
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This is thread is quickly sliding into silly by people that (apparently) are breed blind and kennel blind.


If you do not know a white dog, a black dog, a brown dog, a red dog, a smooth coat, a rough coat, a liver nose, a black nose, a bitch, a dog, etc. that digs and does well .... you must either not be paying attention to what is around you, or you must not be getting out too much with people outside of your own little crowd, because the color of the dog, the color of its nose, the lay of its coat, and the gender of the dog does not mean a thing.


And yet, go back in this thread, and people are saying it does.


Tell me if that does not sound just like the pap we hear from the rosette chasers?


Be careful when you pick up your glass my friends, for I think some of us may accidentally be drinking the Kennel Club Koolaid and thinking that the **color** of the dog matters. What matters far more than that is the expeience and temperament of the man a dog is given to.


A man with experience and an even temerament will try to get a dog from a working line and then he will enter it correctly and in general it will work. Some of the one-minute rice folks we have in this world today think that if a dog is kenneled for a year and then thrown at a hole it should "do the job" first time out. Start them with rats? Take them out in the field and give them experience slowly? They have never heard of it. It's always funny how a dog can be declared shit by one person (and often in a week!) and can tehn go on to someone else and do well for a long time. Something might be shit, but maybe it's not the dog? Yet people do not want to look at themselves. They do not want to think that a different dog may require a different approach or require a different speed or a different way of working. Isn't that always the way?


People that actually dig to the dogs have always been rare. They are rare now, they were rare 20 years ago, 50 years ago, 75 years ago, 100 years ago, and 150 years ago. Always rare. And yet there have always been digging dogs and there always will be digging dogs. And the reason for this is simple: people that dig their dogs tend to get their dogs from other people that dig their dogs. They are not buying dogs from the general population. If you are randomly looking at all white dogs, or all black dogs or all red dogs or all brown dogs to find a worker, you are not following directions or buying sensibly, are you? Workers tend to come from people that work their dogs. Those people have always been rare, but they have always owned and bred working dogs that have come in every color and in every coat. Because the standard is the work, not the color of the dog.


The black dog called a patterdale, as we known it today is about 40 years old. Do people think there was no digging before this dog? Do they think there will no digging after this dog becomes popular and most are fat pets owned by matrons?


Some people think this way, of course. One of the oddities of humans is that many of us think the world began when we were born and that it will end the day we die. In fact, the dogs were always here working (in all colors, coat, noses, genders, etc.) before our grandparents were born, and they will be here long after our grandchildren are dead.


The dogs of tomorrow, like the dogs of the past, will come in all colors, all coats, all noses, and both genders.


As it was, so it will be, forever and ever, Amen.




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hello i was just wantin 2 know [bANNED TEXT] is the best terrier 2 have now days cos sale a bedlington bitcth about 2 month ago at the age 22 month and cos she dint [bANNED TEXT] 2 work for me and excellent patterdale cross lakeland bitch age 2 years and [bANNED TEXT] good bitch she was. just did not like my son and lass



WHAT????????? :blink:

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