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How to calibrate your own mil dots

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Hi everyone,


I was having a little play today with my .22 calibre BSA R10 in my indoor range, and wanted to try and push how I calibrate my mil dots on my Tasco scope to the limits, using small drawing pins as the targets out to 50 metres.


To do this I used my Panasonic scope camera to show others how I calibrate my own mil dots in the hope that it will help others who want to try my method out for themselves.


Please note that shooting from a scope camera is a lot harder and trickier than just shooting from your normal bench rested shooting position, where no camera is in your way enabling you to look through your own scope correctly gaining the perfect picture and eye relief.


I have tried my best to demonstrate the process and paint the picture for you.


If you do this yourselves from your normal shooting positions, you will get better more accurate results than I probably have with the camera fitted to my Tasco.


Here is the link to the footage, and please feel free to leave me some feed back on what you think.






Edited by zini
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Hi Sib pal :thumbs:


Yes i have done already pal but you are only allowed 10 minutes of footage on YouTube so i had to edit it short.


The hold under is done just the same pal, but the impact is above the target instead of being under it.


I have never calibrated my mil dots to something the size of a drawing pin so now that i have these figures ill be hitting pigeons brains at 50 metres with no wind :whistling: .


As you can see from the footage the R10 is a really accurate rifle and im not the best shot in the world to do it full justice.


Someone like Davy or Reggaeman who are far better shots than i am would be able to improve on the results i got im sure buddy.


I cant really see another more expensive brand of rifle improving on them results.


Every result i got at every range out to 50 metres were no more than about half the diameter of a drawing pin from where the target was and the pellet impacted.


Pretty immaculate results really.



Edited by zini
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hello si

that was really good matey it helps alot of people out there that takes shots and misses them just because no one wants or has the time to show the newcomers to airgun shooting will you be doing a 177 cal the same for all the people that use them as well as it's a popular cal again matey i agree with sib very easy to watch and learn matey top man for putting that up for everyone to watch even though people wont admit needing that little extra help.



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Hi Shay,


Ill have to see how much time i get pal as i have a busy period coming up at work :wallbash: .


If the thread helps one person im happy pal :thumbs: .


Like you say, some people will never admit to needing help thats why i made the thread so they dont have to buddy and can get on with their own calibration without feeling the need to feel embarrased to ask.



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Blinding, thanks for that mate!


Having recently moved from 177 to 22, I've found that I really need to work on those hold overs/unders... 177 was a lot more forgiving!


Will be getting a mildot scope just as soon as I can! Also bought a tin of FX pellets for my AA S410 TDR, after the chap in the shop talked me out of my usual accupells in a hilarious fast show style! (oooh no sir, not a good pellet sir.)I'll let you know how they fair!


Thanks again, really useful.

Edited by silentshot1
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