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and could you tell me mush what steps have you tacken to procure( new blood )and what is it and where is it from ?

I've done the same as you are in the middle of doing, why do you think your the only one or the first.

noi dont not by any means and if your making a concerted effort ,fair play to you!!





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I love these threads, But am i right in thinking no one has actually slated kizzy/pharoh/ khan lines everyone seems to agree they are some, if not the best, lines in europe maybe even the world.  

fact is they are from the same lines,cruise, cruise junior, kizzy ect ect ect .fact. if they was been bred to further the breed then why isnt there new blood been entered into the breeding lines. im

it seems that the pure saluki has been turned into the new border terrier, it was only 5 yrs ago that you couldnt give them away unlike the border that was like gold dust to breeders. a guy from the

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Can Mush/ someone tell me what lines the white saluki are?

they have been breed by a lot of people they have a bit of the same blood lines as the rest of the salukis in the UK but with as much desert bred blood that could be put in and have had it added by a number of breeders with no kennel names. but if you want to no what kennel names are in the pedigree have a look http://pawvillage.com/pedigree/pedigree.asp?ID=5YGY7J6LBG



lol sediki and tepegawra ,,same as khan /kizzy pharoh .....white ! or cream ?

its not the breeding behind the kizzy pharoh its the way they have been breed from since, inbred over and over. In some of the pedigrees thats all there is in them. and there is no salukis from kizzy pharoh in my dogs.

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Cheers mush, nice sals you have :victory: , i looked on the ped link, Cream Cracker is also on the ped for my dog pup Nero (right back 5 gen), on the bitches side, nice to know there is a bit Tepe Gawra in their :thumbs: I really like the smooth types.


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and could you tell me mush what steps have you tacken to procure( new blood )and what is it and where is it from ?

I've done the same as you are in the middle of doing, why do you think your the only one or the first.

noi dont not by any means and if your making a concerted effort ,fair play to you!!





good to hear can you share with us where you got it from ? and the breeding ?

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here you go richard you wont even have to comb his ears ..lol


lmao, he's a fine animal, do you think his Highness would take instalments? :icon_redface: I couldn't afford the airfare to Dubai never mind importing a dog from there :clapper: it amazes me the lenghths yourself and others have gone to, to find the blood you require, with people like the main contributors to this thread involved the future of 'saluki' is in good hands :notworthy: likesay by the time Im ready to buy in again things will have changed............ :victory:


Exactly why my advice to BBB was to wait a few years, yet so many are arguing the point!

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did anyone hav a pup out of john lennons star girl fathers name john lennon aka sunny god few year ago

no i didnt have a pup ...but i have john lennon and star girl in the ped of my sal :thumbs:

is your dogs ped on the web

no sorry mate its not on paw villiage ;)

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same applies to me mate, john lennon and star girl in both my salukis pedigree,s

i had a pup out of them bount 15 years ago we called him trotter a black and tan dog only bount 24inc tts it was the gamest dog i ever seen when i was in ireland he was bount 6 month old farmer shot a bird and it fell in black bury bushes the dog was straight in and got it out another time we was round blackpool small fieds it was on a hare it went under a fence and the dog had a funny way of jumping it use to put its feet and the top of the fence and them jump over, but the top bit was electric fencing and i heard it screaming so it jump down and them tryed again screaming and finally got over it but the hare was few 100 yards infront by this time it managed to get back on it n kill the hare n this was in small grass field but the corn was still up so we could not wait for the corn 2 be cut the next month it was cut first outing we went altcar in after noon its was goin dark soon so we went on engine lane and we seen a hare slipt the dog all over it he was very tight for 2 or 3 mins and killed it me and my dad was made up cos we was goin ireland the next week for a bit of sport we went out with a well known man in south of ireland smallfields first run we let trotter go of he went all over it then out of sight and we never seen him again that was in the morning we looked all day 2 it went dark so we went home 2 are house near by in ireland we put the word out 2 farmers everyone we never heard out 2 this day i remember goin home and cryin my self sleep i was only 14 at the time he prob hit something and killed him self or fell in a dyke so just wondering if [NO TEXT TALK] had any of the litter brothers or sisters if they was any good just got a new pup and he his spit of him and very game 2 hope you like this little story as im shit on a pc and its took me ages 2 wright it :thumbs:

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same applies to me mate, john lennon and star girl in both my salukis pedigree,s

i had a pup out of them bount 15 years ago we called him trotter a black and tan dog only bount 24inc tts it was the gamest dog i ever seen when i was in ireland he was bount 6 month old farmer shot a bird and it fell in black bury bushes the dog was straight in and got it out another time we was round blackpool small fieds it was on a hare it went under a fence and the dog had a funny way of jumping it use to put its feet and the top of the fence and them jump over, but the top bit was electric fencing and i heard it screaming so it jump down and them tryed again screaming and finally got over it but the hare was few 100 yards infront by this time it managed to get back on it n kill the hare n this was in small grass field but the corn was still up so we could not wait for the corn 2 be cut the next month it was cut first outing we went altcar in after noon its was goin dark soon so we went on engine lane and we seen a hare slipt the dog all over it he was very tight for 2 or 3 mins and killed it me and my dad was made up cos we was goin ireland the next week for a bit of sport we went out with a well known man in south of ireland smallfields first run we let trotter go of he went all over it then out of sight and we never seen him again that was in the morning we looked all day 2 it went dark so we went home 2 are house near by in ireland we put the word out 2 farmers everyone we never heard out 2 this day i remember goin home and cryin my self sleep i was only 14 at the time he prob hit something and killed him self or fell in a dyke so just wondering if [NO TEXT TALK] had any of the litter brothers or sisters if they was any good just got a new pup and he his spit of him and very game 2 hope you like this little story as im shit on a pc and its took me ages 2 wright it :thumbs:

a good read mate thanks ;)

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