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pretty good descrition of a badly trained dog

pockets i replied to carras post which is a perfect description of a liabilaty rather than apleasure to own i have dug to friends patterdale terriers and they were very good at thir job as well .other than the odd grumble at the start of the day they were prfect with other dogs and stock.i think alot of people just like to think because there terriers wild and uncontrolable its a hard terrier which is complete bollocks. alot of problems with the patt is the owner and not the dogs.mind you there will be some that will allways be no good due to bad breeding for money rather than ability


:hmm: so what are you trying to say ? i know you said your freinds patterdales ! which leads me to think you have never ownd pats ! who is your freind ? you also said (quote) there will be some that will allways be no good due to bad breeding for money rather than ability ! are you saying my two are bred bad and was only bred for money ? its funny that cos my two pats came home with me for free so i know your not refering to my pats ! (quote) .i think alot of people just like to think because there terriers wild and uncontrolable its a hard terrier which is complete bollocks ! its well spoted that you dont know what your talking about dick head so run on and nip some other fuckers tits you irataiting EJIT ....

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I have had 3 & have never had a problem with them, they are the same as any other worker anyway but sometimes quicker to mature i find them good workers on most quarry they are fairly gutsy little dogs :) as long as they get the job done i don't care if they have a looney moment every now & then (don't we all :11: ) i think majority of bad tempered patts are those bred with bull blood in them as most bull breeds are bred for fighting so have very little sense they only see red. I think all dogs are trainable to a point but one should never be complacent with any breed they can all have off days.

If your buying a patt just make sure its off parents with a fairly decent nature & not too high strung, try & go for the pup whos intelligent & watches everything around him with confidence rather than the one trying to kill your trouser leg as it may be a right handful & disobedient swine as it gets older. ;)

Edited by CumbrianJack
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Well I have a seven month old Patterdale bitch and she is a house-dog but will work if asked and she does not give up!


She is a really game little bitch and has not been nasty to anyone. She is first in the queue, goes everywhere with me, has good manners and can be called off game if required. She understands how to behave and is very social with other dogs and seems to be fairly indestructable!


I think this is because she has been brought up in a house with cats, dogs and children and has been expected to behave. She is not stupid - she does not argue with the boss - me!


Good luck.




HHmmmmmm7 months old........"Game"?.....lol.."Work if asked"..... :hmm::hmm::hmm:

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We'll see!


OK, we have rather a shortage of large game on my island, but she is down every bunny hole, dragging out and carrying every bit of carrion, running with the lurchers, learning off 'em, and enjoying being a dog. When she met a polecat, I had to drag her off. She wanted it dead.


I sent her down a tunnel to guard a runaway animal and she would not leave and was in for the duration. We had to drag her off again.


So, as I say, we shall see.

Edited by Pignut
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We'll see!


OK, we have rather a shortage of large game on my island, but she is down every bunny hole, dragging out and carrying every bit of carrion, running with the lurchers, learning off 'em, and enjoying being a dog. When she met a polecat, I had to drag her off. She wanted it dead.


I sent her down a tunnel to guard a runaway animal and she would not leave and was in for the duration. We had to drag her off again.


So, as I say, we shall see.


Errrr................no offence but I dont thinks that is the type of "work" people had in mind :blink:


Good for you if you are enjoying your dog though mate.........just dont ask too much of it yet.

Do you mind me asking how old you are?..............befor anybody gets on your case :11:


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ok lets not bicker lads!!! so are paterdales able to start work sooner than other breeds? il be wanting to dig with it by mid-late next season(is this unrealistic?) and what age can they start on bunnies and rats? my 6 1/2 month gundog is doing light work with the ferret already and loves it.

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Guest stella

pretty good descrition of a badly trained dog

pockets i replied to carras post which is a perfect description of a liabilaty rather than apleasure to own i have dug to friends patterdale terriers and they were very good at thir job as well .other than the odd grumble at the start of the day they were prfect with other dogs and stock.i think alot of people just like to think because there terriers wild and uncontrolable its a hard terrier which is complete bollocks. alot of problems with the patt is the owner and not the dogs.mind you there will be some that will allways be no good due to bad breeding for money rather than ability


:hmm: so what are you trying to say ? i know you said your freinds patterdales ! which leads me to think you have never ownd pats ! who is your freind ? you also said (quote) there will be some that will allways be no good due to bad breeding for money rather than ability ! are you saying my two are bred bad and was only bred for money ? its funny that cos my two pats came home with me for free so i know your not refering to my pats ! (quote) .i think alot of people just like to think because there terriers wild and uncontrolable its a hard terrier which is complete bollocks ! its well spoted that you dont know what your talking about dick head so run on and nip some other fuckers tits you irataiting EJIT ....

carra you are more than welcome to prove me wrong when your dogs are readyto wor k ive enough perrmision to go at.nothing wrote on a computer proves a terriers training or ability

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Well, just to play devil's avocado......


I have one Patt and one JRT.


The pat is the most tolerant dog on the planet with people, he plays well with my little nephews, never shows em any teeth for pulling his tail etc. It's a different story if you're a small mammal or bird. I haven't used him to fox, he's only 1 and I've moved recently, so it'll take me a while to get 'in' with people.



The jack is a f*****g loon. We got him free from a bloke in Aberteleri as a pet for my missus (I resent paying for a pet dog). He's highly strung, bad with stock, a menace around kids (I muzzle him).


He's learning though, we had him neutered (he only had one ball :rofl: ) and with some heavy discipline and encouragement, hes starting to be managable. Hes even starting to explore bushes/holes for rabbits with the patt now.

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ok lets not bicker lads!!! so are paterdales able to start work sooner than other breeds? il be wanting to dig with it by mid-late next season(is this unrealistic?) and what age can they start on bunnies and rats? my 6 1/2 month gundog is doing light work with the ferret already and loves it.

i don't think there's any doubt that they'll start very early if allowed but i don't recall any dog being ruined by holding it back.

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  • 3 months later...

ok lets not bicker lads!!! so are paterdales able to start work sooner than other breeds? il be wanting to dig with it by mid-late next season(is this unrealistic?) and what age can they start on bunnies and rats? my 6 1/2 month gundog is doing light work with the ferret already and loves it.

i don't think there's any doubt that they'll start very early if allowed but i don't recall any dog being ruined by holding it back.

i agree with jdf ,i have a 13 month old nuttall bitch who is coming on heaps and bounds and would go without hesitation ,but in my apinion she is still not ready ,i,ll probably let her see something in a couple of months as she is still not fully mature or maybe leave her till next season ,she,s bin to ground were other dogs have checked first and there is no one home ,but i,ll no when she is ready and then hopfully i,ll get a lot of good years of her ,i will hold my hand up in my younger days were i have ruined a couple of terriers by pushing them on or getting them to do somthing they are not that capable of doing ,and that only ends with one thing nomally (not always)the last thing you want is your dog taking a pasting and walking away from your fox as it may never go back again ,and all your time and effort goes with it and leaves you back at sqaure 1 ...rome wasnt built in one day and only you will no for sure when your dog is ready to go ,look after your dog and most times the dog will do the rest and you,ll get many years of it ...........cheers df... hope this helps some

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self entering is the best way,when he's ready he will go in his own time :drink:

Not quite the way in my eyes as so many well bred terriers are more than willing once the 8 month age comes up but we all know there`s a time and a place as the saying goes and this just aint the time happy hunting a good dog can be made by being held back as much as being entered i think......

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my blackun is just starting to calm down abit lol nearly two now,aslong as hes hunting hes happy,granted he is the most stubborn b*****d out,and has allways been great with the kids,i cant let him off the lead coz hes in hunting mode then,hes done every thing ive asked of him hunting wise,but he wont be winning an obediance class at crufts lol,he is also getting good a guarding my van ,which is a bonus too.

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I've got a young pat now, he's not the first I've had but he is the most mellow. Of those I've had its 50/50 on how they act. Jmo. I've had bitches that would fight if they got within 5 feet of each other and a male that was dog agressive, backing up to none... he was p2s.


The pup I've got now gets on well with other dogs unless they get on him then he'll give back just enough to let them know he's not going to feck around. I keep him both inside and out... he's a pecker to break from pissing in the house though. Other than that, he's good all round so far, haven't had him out yet... just letting him be a pup as long as he wants and can. Oh.... one more thing... he's a feck'n escape artist when out in the yard! :diablo: As soon as I find where he's getting out and fix the hole.... he's found another!! I must be wicked because in that sense he gives me no rest. :no:

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JMHO.....but I think any type of dog worth its salt must have an amount of agression laying below the surface........just like any good athlete.............its how you channel that agression that makes the difference.


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